That doesn’t really help if I already had the vehicle before this system was ever even implemented, nor is that acceptable design in any way either.
At this point, give us 40% per tree completed as a base application to the account’s RP gains. Sick of having to put shit into a spreadsheet to work out just how much you’re fucking us.
It means the F-14B, Tornado IDS, Su-25SM3, Tornado Gr.1, JH-7A, Tornado Adv, Mirage 2000D-R1 are not top vehicles despite being rank 8 end of line due to having a low BR.
I really wish the bonus icon wouldn’t display when it’s 0%, especially when there is no vehicle available for research that could have a >0% bonus.
This entire idea was broken from the start.
- No one really needs extra RP for new nations, you get plenty for playing and with foldered vehicles it is easier than ever to grind tech trees.
- If anything it would be better to bonus into other vehicle types in the same nation (air/ground/heli/naval)
- this mess of a bonus system is overly complicated. Just make it a Flat 10% bonus in the same nation you have 1 tree at top tier … DONE
- BY FAR largest issue with RP is that when you complete a tech tree there is absolutely ZERO reason to continue to play anything in that tech tree because 100% of your research RP is lost.
This suggestion from awhile back would fix the real issues with RP (loosing what you earned)
Research Across Tech Trees
Congrats. You made an overly complicated system that gives players who have invested hundreds of hours into the game a tiny bonus. You could have saved yourself a ton of effort and just given a free 30% bonus for the first three matches of the day. We would have liked that more.
You could have saved yourself a ton of effort and just given a free 30% bonus for the first three matches of the day.
That would be better than the current system lol. You only get the 100% base RP (between 20-40% actual gain) if you are researching rank VII+.
wait wait wait, we got capped again??
So todays result was approximately 3600 RP total for the bonus in USA air at rank 7 (+100% base RP).
So lets say that as a premise that is my average per day.
That means that after 100 days i would gain enough for one higher BR rank 7 plane. In the USA rank 7 there are 10 planes for a total of 2.775 million RP.
That makes 360k/2775k = ~0.13 or 13% of the entire rank 7.
So for an entire year of playing at top tier bonus of +100% for 3 games per day that would make it ~47% of the RP needed to research rank 7 USA air.
Alternatively it would come out to approximately 4 rank 7 planes (or 3 rank 8 planes) gained per year.
which does sound good, BUT as soon as you start playing more than those three games per day that bonus very fast becomes absolutely miniscule.
I personally probably play more than most but i have during this event so far (without this bonus but using RP boosters and premium time), meaning 13 days, unlocked 3(?) rank 6 planes and 2 rank 7 planes (a bit unsure on exactly where i was in progress so lets go with the benefit of the doubt and say 2 rank 6 and 2 rank 7 planes).
So for me to gain a bonus that would equate to 100 days of playing to gain one rank 7 plane that i otherwise unlock in less than a week is absolutely heartbreakingly sad.
100 days = ~14 weeks, 1/14=~7% So the maximum obtainable bonus would save me 7% of the grind time on average. And that would be if the bonus was a consistent +100% base RP for every rank, which it isn’t so the saved time is definitively going to be less than that.
This also a VERY good indicator to those saying that a flat 5-10% bonus would be better. if that bonus is on base RP then no, it wouldn’t, for most players. If that bonus is on the total (included talismans/premium/etc) then yes, probably better for many players but not all.
I just hope that Gaijin realize how big the grind actually is in total and aren’t JUST looking at how may % faster it becomes. It has to be put in relation to actual playtime needed to unlock things for the average player as well.
My four, only and final suggestions for this:
1- Make it 10 matches a day, not 3.
2- Make it cumulative in proportion to how many nations you have fully unlocked.
3- Make it stop applying to a tree after you purchased 3 of its top vehicles (enough to build an actual lineup), not 1 (which removes the bonus right when it is needed the most).
4- There should be no rank restriction as to which vehicles the bonus applies; it should begin applying straight at Tier I, or Tier III at most; not IV, when significant grind has already taken place.
As you can see, it’s nothing overwhelmingly changing so that it would require to completely redesign the system; it’s just three polishments to make it actually worth anything.
@Smin1080p_WT I hope this is considered by the developers! The current system really does not feel like enough of an improvement and let alone incentive to jump into the boat of grinding a whole new nation.
10% total yes, 10% base RP… idk… that sounds awfull little.
if 100% Base RP is 25% for a Prem Acc and Tali player, 10% Base is just 2.5%.
10% Total would work great on the other hand. After you finally played through 5 nation you get a net bonus of 50% making the sixt nation half as long as the first nation.
but in a optimal world this system of 10% net would be smt addition to motivate playing to the top and then spread out to other nations.
There should also be a system to even motivate players to get top tier and suffer to the stock grind like a x2/x3 or even x5 daily reward for the first battles, so you can play you favourite all day long and the new one you do with the bonus to get through the worst parts of the equipment grind (or you buy for GE as gaijin intends it, if you want to have it spaded instantly)
what would also help, due to the fact we have more and more ranks in the game now… why not changing the efficient rank range to 2 up/down instead of 1? Why am i forced to give up on my oldschool rank 4/5 premiums do grind? Why not giving me atleast the possibility to grind my next hightier tank but not the equipment of it? what would be so bad about that? I guess i wouldnt need to play the stuff i dont like and dont need to buy new Premiums… yes… but i would also dont need to hate the devs and fight on the streets for a change… lol… and others would not need to expoit the onespawn mechanic…
Day 2
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
RP earned: 29 012
New nation bonus: 6 615
Total RP: 35 627
Increase: 22,8%
Is this good enough? Decide yourself
Day 1:
Increase on day 1: 22,7%

Day 1 Game 1 [image] [image] Game 2 [image] [image] Game 3 [image] [image] Time to sum it up RP earned: 18 079 Bonus: 4 108 Total: 22 187 Increase: 22.7% Is this good enough? Decide yourself Day 2:
10% total yes, 10% base RP… idk… that sounds awfull little.
It’s about my recent suggestion, so it does reference total RP, not just base RP.
poll War Thunder is a continually growing game and as more vehicles get added, ranks expand and the top research requirements rise past the 400k RP cost mark it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with multiple game nations. Sadly, this means that many players feel discouraged to research new vehicles, seeing their time better invested in a singular tree of the game than to try and start this increasingly expanding journey from scratch. That is why I feel like a bonus is needed to ma…
It’s a revised bonus system that counts the unlocking of a top tier tree as unlock condition for permanent, unrestricted 10% bonus to total RP earnings. This also stacks with multiple nations unlocked and is unrestricted in when you use it, how long you use it and in what rank or nation you use it.
Think of it as each top tier nation basically acting like a constantly active 10% booster for the any RP in the respective gamemode, including both modification and vehicles.
One thing to keep in mid with this as well is that the extra % gained RP from the bonus will become less and less the more games you play on the same day after the first 3.
In your case; If you play 3 more games with the same average score then you will have gained only 11.4% extra for that day. play a total of 12 games during a day and the gain will sink to 5.7% extra for the day, and so on.
ваш убогий американский виндувс полное говно. параша конкретная. хули раскладка сломалась через alt+shift не рабоатет теперь. верните взад и вообще обновы ваши говно полное. какая мразь карты рисует вообще. не картодел а бракодел. говнюки
Im playing only 3 games a day with that lineup, and i post it here. Im going to do so for the whole week, and after that i will compile the data. Afterall we all LOVE statistics.
Yep. I play 15 matches a day on average, so, to me, the current iteration of the bonus is basically worthless.
The sum of the 3 matchs’ bonuses is less than the equivalent of a single additional match.
I think the average player plays at least 10 matches a day. 3 matches is not even a hour of gameplay!
I mean you haven’t noticed how 20-25k RP is about the maximum you get under almost any circumstance?
if i play with M1A2 i dont get any RP on tier 1, for example, italy?
Asking bc i want to grind a new nation, but i dont want to start, at least, on tier 1 (i dont like it) and testing yesterday i didnt got nothing after 11.7 game for tier 1 RP.
If the case, whats the point or so restrictive?
Ok, after reading it for the 89237 time, if think i understood now that i get the bonus playing the nation that i want to grind and not that ill grind it playing the top tier that i already have…