Following the Roadmap: Research Bonuses Testing Has Concluded

if i play with M1A2 i dont get any RP on tier 1, for example, italy?

Asking bc i want to grind a new nation, but i dont want to start, at least, on tier 1 (i dont like it) and testing yesterday i didnt got nothing after 11.7 game for tier 1 RP.

If the case, whats the point or so restrictive?

Ok, after reading it for the 89237 time, if think i understood now that i get the bonus playing the nation that i want to grind and not that ill grind it playing the top tier that i already have…

In any case it would be far better than what we have now.

why not changing the efficient rank range to 2 up/down instead of 1

I have also made posts about this in the past.

It seems Gaijin treats their data from 10 years ago as the holy grail, the 10 commandments, the ultimate truths and they refuse to budge, arbitrary nonsensical bull like the time it should take to reach top tier, and they haven’t added any RP gain since 2014 to uphold this.

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I don’t think the average would be 10 a day.

am I the only one who hates the new UI for the research bonus? I had always found it cool when you reached the end of the line on a tree and saw nothing after it but now there’s a line going to a box… maybe at least let me hide it?


i dont think so either, my guess is that the 80% average (without extremes counted in) is less then 7 Hours a week.

The average are just playing a few matches a week.

a few years old statistics say that the average World of Warcraft player was doing 24.5 Hours, but thats a MMO, Monthly Paid and not on Console.

LoL has an average of 30mins per battle and the average plays 4 battles a day, makes it 2 Hours per Day.

I would also assume on this WT has an average playtime of 2 H a day max, (my feeling still says less then 7h a week)
a match takes on average (grb) 12 minutes (if i remember correct, was stated years ago) makes a total of (+3min waiting time etc) 8 Games a day for GRB with mixed BRs u play. The lower BR u go, the longer the battle takes.

Too high, or too low?

I would say 3 is probably close to the average with 5 being at the high end.

Probably less than that, 10 games is over 2 hours a day.

LoL has an average of 30mins per battle and the average plays 4 battles a day, makes it 2 Hours per Day.

I would also assume on this WT has an average playtime of 2 H a day max
a match takes on average (grb) 12 minutes
makes a total of (+3min waiting time etc) 8 Games a day for GRB with mixed BRs u play.

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My matches are around 7 minutes on average; the longest ones being around 10, and some of them ending after 2 minutes for me lmao

So my average playtime is around 1 hour and 40 minutes, and around 2.5 hours in War Thunder counting hangar and queue times.

Playing Ground Top Tier, mainly, that is.

I am of the opinion that I would rather see this scraped and just have the reward payout system increased. This bonus mechanic is far too complicated for no reason, doesn’t go anywhere close to “helpful”, and is just a flat disappointment considering how it took Gaijin over a year to cook.

Feedback clearly wasn’t taken from the first announcement post. Either the community managers did not pass anything along or the devs just straight up ignored it. It’s one of the two for us to get the same system with no changes.

The economy revisions and improvements that happened before, to include the foldering of vehicles and reduction of repair costs, should have been the first step of many. Now it’s time to increase reward payouts. Premium time almost feels like a requirement at this point but even then it doesn’t feel like it helps enough.

Kills, assists, spotting, and capture rewards all need an increase of at least 15% at the minimum, ideally 25-30%. Activity time cannot be the sole determining factor for a majority of your reward payout. And the smaller bonuses we use to get need to come back. Like the 3 score points per second or two while on a point and rewards for bouncing shells.


I mean I’d be happy with that if it was a permanent boost.

I have the feeling gaijin dont understand that we don´t fear not getting a bonus and that
were here without it already.
What we fear is that the game will get worse and worse (not better) if we dont yell at them what they need to do and change.

I am sure the Devs (the real devs that work on the code/engine) know excaktly how much grind a game should have, there a dozens of statistics available.

But the people working are not the people deciding, and the people deciding dont give a damn.

Sad to say, but to get the attention of these people a moneytary impact has to happen… they dont care if the player like it or not and if they could get even more players… they only want money and dont want to invest anything…

and you can see that in the last years, alsmost no invest in the game (even indie games wit 1-4 devs have 3x more changes in their games) and instead the money was spend for ads, with these ads the playercount increased and more money was earned.


The proposition that the devs presented here is very poor in my opinion. It’s so complicated with different percentages at different ranks, only 3 battles per day, and losing the bonus after purchasing top vehicle in specific nation.

It’s still better to have any system than nothing of course, but the proposed implementation is not very exciting. If anything, it discourages players from researching all the tech trees fully (beside one nation).

It also encourages players to rush through their first tech tree. And I suspect that’s exactly why we see such proposition. With the presented system, the best idea is to just buy a top premium (especially in a minor nation) and rush through this tech tree. Get to the top tier asap, get that bonus and then start playing normally. That will be the best way to get access to the presented system.

But it also has a big downside. Many players will just play one vehicle lineups and push only single line to the top, just to get the bonus asap. It won’t make much sense for players to fully research ranks and unlock full lineups, learn the game step by step. It will make more sense to just rush through the tech tree, just to get the bonus sooner and that’s not a good thing.

I’m a bit disappointed that other implementations were not even considered, and I completely understand why so many players are unhappy about the presented system. It’s overcomplicated, discourages playing in some scenarios and doesn’t even provide many benefits. The proposed system is a very small thing that took a long time to develop. It sounds like a huge waste of time to me.

On the old forum there was a very nice suggestion to implement a rank RP bonus for purchasing all vehicles of a certain rank in the nation.

For example, purchasing all rank 3 vehicles in the USA Coastal tech tree would give you a permanent 10% total RP bonus to all rank 3 vehicles in all Coastal tech trees (for researching vehicles at that rank, but also for researching modifications of these vehicles). Fully purchasing all rank 3 vehicles in two nations would increase this bonus to 20% RP (10% + 10%) and so on.

The interface of such system could be very simple to implement and easily understandable, for example something like this:

I suspect the devs never considered such system, because it would have a big impact on the research speed, especially for players who had unlocked most nations. But I still think that would be a good thing. It would actually encourage players to play all the nations, try all vehicles, create full lineups and maybe even buy premiums in all tech trees.

Meanwhile with the proposed implementation, all you need is a top premium vehicle in one nation, just to unlock the bonus for all other nations. Assuming you really want that small RP bonus. For me it’s not even that important.


Not sure if this is the correct place to post. While playing top tier USSR ground I was able to get 3 battle researches for a helicopter; however, while flying top tier ARB it didn’t give the bonuses to any of the new nations aircraft. I’ve used the USA F15C, F16C, USSR SU-27SM, GB JAS39C, FR Mir 2000-5F over multiple times and it’s not giving any research bonus to the other nations vehicles in the list below.


What am I doing wrong?

Also, I understand that the Air RB should only research aircraft, just listed this here.

Having a top vehicle unlocks a bonus for other nations that don’t have the top vehicle purchased yet. You still have to play other nations to receive that bonus.

So in your case:

  • You have F-16C, which is a top vehicle and this unlocks other nations research bonuses for you.
  • On the list you showed, you have the Air research bonus active for: German, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Swedish and Israeli tech trees.
  • If you play one of these nations, you will receive a bonus to your RP, depending from the rank of the plane you research. But because the C.205N2 is a rank 3 vehicle, your Italian research bonus is exactly 0%.
  • If you want to get the 100% RP bonus for e.g. MiG-23MLA (rank 7 plane), just play battles with German planes.

This is all it needed to be, a permanent modifier with perhaps diminishing returns past a certain number of battles and a daily reset to keep the player engaged in the game. This system is intentionally frustrating and obtuse for no reason.

x2, x5(on events) daily bonuses were way better then all of this “bonuses” + boosters from login drop, together, they were way more satisfying, rewarding and engaging in researching all nations and way less complicated.

Thats so bullshit

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