[Development] [RoadMap] Following the Roadmap: Safe Exit Zones for Aircraft in Ground Arcade Battles

Going to implement a whole new feature for pocket change, not even a guaranteed reward but if you’re lucky you can get 1k SL in the majority of cases?

they usually have to spend the remaining time of the air event (usually about half a minute) doing nothing.

And now you’ve replaced half a minute of doing nothing with half a minute of flying in a straight line to an exit zone instead? Is that the intensity mentioned?

This also going to nerf SPAA even more as arcade they were able to get kills and benefit from crashing planes by being credited a kill if they managed to hit them before they did so, but of course you would buff planes and nerf SPAA at every opportunity.

Hell hasn’t frozen over yet but maybe you can dedicate some attention to that at some point, how about an exit zone for ground forces to spawn SPAA instead of being forced to self destruct.

depends on how the sentence is ment. i wrote and asked about it above but so far no answer.

There is no mention of what will happen if the timer runs out before you escape or if the timer is to be removed altogether. will add this question to my post above, didn’t think about it before.

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I havent played ground arcade in years but my god i can see this being a well deserved change. Good job dev team!


Presumably because they did the math and concluded any score based reward of that size could be fairly easily gamed. Spawn the plane, exit for score without doing anything else, go back to ground game. Same reason you don’t get score for takeoffs and landings.

You could even see a bot designed to rushcap get that score, then take the SP and do an immediate exit for a little more score.

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What about a score based reward for the score accumulated during the time in the aircraft and not the total match score (like activating an “order”). This is also what i assumed the other user ment.

this would then also incentivize actually playing well and not spam all rockets as you crash into the ground in one motion.

But you know you can actually spawn a plane in Ground Arcade, get close to the enemy (below about 3 km), J-out (or crash when damaged), and gain 30% of the kill rewards (including the score)? This system works like that since the devs added the death rewards in 2021. How is the proposed random reward for leaving the area better than this?

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I have a bad feeling that GAB folks are not gonna be happy about this.

Yeah, I know.

Back before when score was just an intermediate reward without any real meaning of its own you could have done what you propose, I think. The other change here has been making all events score based, including the ones with sellable coupons, so now they have to protect score as a reward from exploitation as much or more than they protect SL/RP.

I personally don’t think it will change much. I will definitely prefer 30% of the kill rewards, so I won’t go for these new exit zones, in my opinion the random reward is not worth it. I can most of the time get better rewards much quicker if I simply J-out close to the enemy. So I will play exactly the same way as before.

Let’s hope they won’t remove the 30% kill rewards when you die in a plane. Because it’s also possible for them to use this announced change to silently nerf the current system at the same time (and completely remove mentioned 30% kill rewards for J-out or crashing with a damaged plane).

This is an interesting point. Because if I’m wrong, and players will start using these new exit zones very often, then it will indeed be just another nerf to SPAAs.

We already had SPAAs in Ground Arcade hugely nerfed, when the devs changed the rules of spawning planes. Less planes means less targets. And nothing was done to compensate SPAAs for this change.

Then the devs removed most critical hits on planes, which again reduced the score and rewards for killing planes. And again, nothing was done to compensate SPAAs for this change.

The announced change could be yet another hit to SPAA players in Ground Arcade. And again, there is no sign of anything being planned to compensate SPAAs for this potential nerf.

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Can you allow friendly tanks to be visible to fighters after the enemy planes have been shot down? Just so we don’t accidentally strafe a friendly tank should we have some ammo left to spend on our way out.

I suppose, not that I play GAB anyway. Do have over 2500 hundred so I can certainly argue but not my forte to do so.

depends on how the sentence is ment. i wrote and asked about it above but so far no answer.

Based on how it’s written you get 1 of those rewards, but they’re all pointless, spend an extra 20-30 seconds to maybe get a few hundred SL extra, literally who would be motivated by that? Why would you not just send it straight into the ground or spray some open top vehicles or whatever.

There is no mention of what will happen if the timer runs out before you escape or if the timer is to be removed altogether. will add this question to my post above, didn’t think about it before.

You almost have to spend half the time you get flying to the exit, and the other half is flying from spawn to the map, so in many cases I assume you wont even have time.

The announced change could be yet another hit to SPAA players in Ground Arcade. And again, there is no sign of anything being planned to compensate SPAAs for this potential nerf.

Don’t think they ever even reverted the massive SL nerf from a few years ago, which was when SPAA still had 15k repaircost in arcade.

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You might be right now that i read it again, but i would still hold out hope until an answer because it is weirdly worded.

Also, the random reward is in addition to the base “safe and sound” reward

Edit, i'm stupid, its the same as before.

that we don’t know what that is yet. It might suck, it might be good, we don’t know.

depends on how far away the exit will be, the image shows 1.5 km, that’ll take like 12 seconds in a rank 3 prop plane at 500km/h. Hopefully the distance is averaged over the relative average speed of planes for that BR to take about the same time to get to independent of BR match. And again, we don’t know if this is ment to replace the time and take it away or if the timer is kept.

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Good change 👍 However, CAS spawn times in GAB still need to be slowed down. There is far far too much CAS spawning in per match in GAB. Having only a 30-60 seconds between waves of CAS is not fun. There is not even enough time to move from one cover location to another before a new wave of CAS is bombing/missiling you. (Even with my fastest light tanks I cannot move around the map fast enough to get a new cover location.)

There needs to be a delay after the last CAS unit dies/exits safely, and when the next group are able to hit the CAS button to start the next wave. At least 30 seconds, 1 minute would be better, so that you have a full minute or two to play/maneuver in your tanks before needing to hide again.

I have gotten 24 kills in a match before with helicopters, I am very good with bombers, strike aircraft, rocket helicopters and missile helicopters. But I want to play my tanks most of the time.

This was while using the Italian VRCC @ 9.3 BR Ground Arcade. Half of these kills were with Heli CAS (I saved the full battle log, 12+ of my kills were in Helis.) Same with the guy on opposing team who got 23 kills. He also vaporized me right as I spawned in once with his Heli (CAS also needs to stop spawning directly behind the enemy spawn point, it’s absurd and completely unfair.)

Thank you for your time.

Safe and Sound is an award:
It gives you 300 SL as a reward. We have had this award in the game for as long as I can remember.

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I damn, i can’t believe i just straight up forgot that… Now i feel stupid, thx mate ^^


No, you don’t get penalized or actually do any damage to friendlies in GAB, only in GRB. That change to fighter CAS in GAB was one of the best changes they ever made, they should NOT revert that change, it was an absolute crap show before that change. Don’t change something that’s working perfectly 😂

And you get the safe and sound regardless if you reach the exit, so really you’re spending 10-30 seconds of your 60 seconds for a measly bit of extra SL that doesn’t seem remotely worth it, as the original safe and sound wasn’t worth it in the first place either as otherwise we wouldn’t be talking about this right now.

that we don’t know. they haven’t said.

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