[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

With some of the responses you give, you can’t fault someone for thinking otherwise. Like the one this little message thread is based on.

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FOMO stands for “fear of missing out”. I’m just going to use a piece from Medium to describe it.

“The application of FOMO in gaming hinges on creating an environment where players feel compelled to continue playing to avoid missing out on rewards, events, or social interaction. This can be achieved through various mechanisms like time-limited events, exclusive rewards, or seasonal content.”

It’s very predatory in nature. Gajin is using this new event cycle to keep you playing for the fear of missing out on these exclusive vehicles. Or to incentivize you to buy them off their marketplace where I believe they take a cut on every transaction.


The Assistant app gives you access to everyone’s service records, you don’t have to be in game. https://assistant.warthunder.com/

(In-game is more accurate though.)

Do you actually grind the events or get the vehicles for free?

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I get your point, but the new event cycle doesn’t really introduce more vehicles only spreads them out so it is only one at a time.

So the burden to the player who wants all the vehicles is less intense but but more often.

Rather than trying to get all 3 event vehicles during one event time period a player only has to try to earn one vehicle at a time.

So will the announcement come in tomorrow or will the event will start too?

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Anyone who knows wont tell you.
Anyone who tells you doesn’t know.

We just have to wait for the news.

I do not know why the text is big. I highlighted a short segment for bold type and the forum made the entire post bold type. What I am “on about” is that, with the “Sons of Attila” update, the economy was changed and the F9F-8 Cougar I had been working on for months was now research complete so I could purchase it. But NO! They had moved the F9F-8 Cougar under the F9F-5 Panther so I could not purchase the F9F-8 Cougar until I completed the F9F-5 Panther which was a long way off in my intended purchase order. There was no timer which said get this in the next 72 hours or anything similar as it was immediately in full effect. I reported this bug twice and was given the response, “Not an error.” So, I still haven’t researched my F9F-5 Panther and I still can’t purchase my F9F-8 Cougar! All the monsters had to do to keep me spending money on their game was say, "Oops, hadn’t considered that. Here, we’ll unlock your F9F-8 so you can purchase it but they have steadfastly REFUSED to do so!
128 days since Gaijin STOLE MY F9F-8 Cougar!!!
P.S. This time, I tried selecting the whole text, Bolded, unbolded, rebolded and went with the smaller available text. It still looks Bold but it is at least smaller.

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It’s stilly based largely on FOMO. Now you have to play the game for a longer overall duration rather than its allotted time during one period, at the expense of plaything something else.

What’s the usual duration for an event? 15-18 days? Now it’s three separate 12 to 18 days for…36 to 54 days? Not counting the breaks between. And some markers have the chance to be 45,000 mission points. It’s not really an improvement in the slightest, for either type (the person who only wants one or who wants all three).

Thats all assuming you will be grinding every vehicle that appears.

Unless the Cougar was foldered in separate patch, Im pretty damn sure there were several devblogs before Gaijin foldered lot of vehicles.

Of course, only way a F2P game can work.

Sure it is, for the player who wants all vehicles.
Figure each star is 2-4 hours a day.
With 3 events at the same time it is now 6-12 hours a day.
That is dangerous level of unhealth to do.

Well one it would have to be good and two would have to be not naval

Yes. Their comment was based on someone wanting all three. So, if you are that type of person, you are now set to spend an 36 days on the low end and 54 on the high end.

Something needs to be addressed. Like a reduction in the required mission score like the 20-30K many players have suggested.

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How about their FOMO addiction.

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I’d never complain about lower score requirements, but the ones we have are acceptable. It’s 22.5k per day max which is hardly rocket science for any half decent player with a half decent lineup. You don’t even need to abuse OP vehicles, suffer at Top Tier or play in a platoon, I get through most score events just 2-3 hours of solo 4.7 UK each afternoon at most.

Not one single person on God’s green earth is forcing you to grind 45k score in a day for every single event throughout the year. If FOMO gets you that badly then reducing score requirements is pointless - you should be in rehab instead of playing any video games whatsoever.

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This “blame the player, not the greedy million dollar company” is starting to get a bit pathetic.


Yes, the F9F-8 Cougar is still in game. I have completed research on it. But I researched it when it had its own slot in the American tech tree. I had almost completed research and, with the change in the economy brought by the “Sons of Attila” update, it was now research complete and now I can buy it. However, “Sons of Attila” also reorganized the tech trees and the F9F-8 Cougar was placed beneath the F9F-5 Panther which I still haven’t started research on because other planes had my priority. They didn’t give a timer which says you need to get this within 72 hours or anything similar (12 hours would have been enough for me this time) before it becomes permanent. It was instantly permanent and I can’t get my F9F-8 Cougar and the @$$holes at Gaijin have twice denied me when I reported this bug. First response: “Not an error.”

128 days since Gaijin STOLE MY F9F-8 Cougar!!!

Have to agree. God forbid you call out a terrible development practice. You can also not be in the FOMO addiction camp and still be pissed and advocate for better.

While these new event structure isn’t related to this, god to see someone taking a stand against these terrible game industry practices. I saw a few weeks ago China proposed a bunch of new bans on micro-transactions I can only pray Western nations adopt. Supposedly wiped out $80 billion in stock evaluation just through the announcement.
