[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

45k score every two days is a punishment for people who play both air, ground, and naval. I don’t quite understand why I got punished for playing more of this game, there are so many other less suffering things for fun

I’m also very surprised that they think people with a job and independent income are not welcomed by those monthly grinding events - getting vehicles for free occasionally was fun as a game before they changed the events to the current level of grinding. Not very happy about this. Lower the RP requirement, make it more weekend friendly, and for the love of god please don’t do 2-day stars. Maybe lower the RP requirement of the later stars if the former vehicle has been acquired with scores.

Not as pathethic as people unironically saying that they have to grind EVERY vehicle under new system, system that is objectively better for anyone thats NOT fomo collector.

Why dont you go and grind some women instead?

They made devblogs, there was enough info beforehand.

On FOMO-ers is on what they’ve based the whole new system. They even acknowledge that explicitly in the news:

Q: Why have you chosen this format?
A: Based on player feedback, we want to provide players with ways to obtain all vehicles in events rather than only a select few.

Glad that I left that wheel a while back.


lol . . . it still applies man . . I was talking more about mode(AB) than tiers anyway tho, so . . . there is that

Yes it is. There are collectors and people who just want unique vehicles.

Events in most other games aren’t actually so ridiculous that you are called an addict for playing them all…

Most here aren’t complaining about that “new system” though, aren’t they?

You do know that “lower the requirements from 35k-45k to 20k-30k” doesn’t mean they should change it back to the old way?

You are just here to argue with people and insult them for daring to say they have an actual life outside of this game.

This “objectively better system” will burn people out even more than the last one and everyone should see that.
35k-45k per 2 days all year around is ridiculous.

Lmao kid grow up.


Nothing wrong with that.

Oh there are many like that. Its just that such games are not well known in EU area.

People are complaning that they will be grinding non stop for entire year with little downtime.

How is that not complaining about the new system?

Im here to argue with people that new system is better for anyone thats not fomo collector that needs to grind every time limited vehicle.

People willingly grinding for 2.7 plane that has one mg less and different livery when compared to TT counterpart 20 hours a day dont have a life outside of this game.

Assuming they will be grinding EVERY event vehicle.

For me, im not interested in naval at all, and only in unique ground vehicles and maybe few planes. Having to grind at max 22.5k points a day for few vehicles and planes over the year sounds much less punishing than to grind 45k points every day for two weeks to get both air and ground reward.

Wouldnt you be sad that your list of potential partners shrank?

the normal game mode will be dead after a few weeks, everyone will just greedily chase the event points in the vehicle best suited for points.
Teamplay will be even worse than it already is and spawncamping will be the rule after 2min no matter what tier you are in.
I know you don’t want old experienced players in the game who want to improve the game, young inexperienced people with loose wallets, that’s what you’re interested in, not the few bucks of the old ones.

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This game is already a glorified team deathmatch.

Might as well accept that fact now.

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If there is as much PL tomorrow as there is now, it’s gonna be fun.


  1. Not everyone has top tiers
  2. Its still a long time to grind, most people have work and\or school

I think 30-35k would be overall better for the community than 35-45k,
i think if you really want to have it set a little higher 30-30k would be suitabe,
please dont make us grind 45k

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People wouldn’t be grinding nonstop if it wasn’t this insane amount of score to grind.

Couple hours per day isn’t “grinding nonstop”, but 4-6 hours per day is.

The downtime doesn’t have to be more than said couple days IF the grind isn’t supposed to burn you out every single event.
Like it currently very obviously is.

Isn’t that…the literal point of these events?

So why is the grind so horrible, when they wanted to “provide players with ways to obtain all vehicles in events”?

Your personal beliefs on if players should want to grind all vehicles or not are irrelevant.

Good for you.

Sure, except it never was 45k, but 20k per vehicle.

And that 2 week hell was doable because there was few months between each event.

Umm… Eww?


While score needed per day could certainly be lower, 22.5k a day is insane amount of score you need 4 hours at minimum to grind?

Again, assuming you grind EVERY vehicle that appears.

No? You grind vehicles you want ornyou are interested in. No one is forcing you. If you want every slightly recolored biplane thats on you.

They did provide way for people to grind everything they want when compared to previous events. I wanted both vilkas and mirage, only grinded vilkas due to time constraints. unser new system i can have both.

Right back at you buddy. Your personal belief people should be grinding all vehicles is irrelevant.

It was 20k per day, per vehicle
Player wanting both vilkas and mirage wpuld have to grind 40k points a day.

Not if you have life outside of warthunder and have to pay rent, eletricity and food.

22.5k at the average 1000-1200score per match and 15min average match time (without counting wait times, time at hangar and your other real life activities) comes to 4.6 - 5.6 hours.

Never said i need that, but the average joe does according to sTAtIstICks that gaijin loves oh so much.

Again, NO SHIT… That’s been the clear point this whole time.

Grind is too much for those who want every single vehicle. God you are dense.

I wanted and got both, so clearly the problem was on you and not the old system!

No. People should be able to get all events done in a game without suffering in real life for it.

It’s obvious fault in the game, doesn’t matter how you try to twist it.

you got to play the game to stuff just deal with it

What the everloving hell you are doing in 15 minute match that you end up with only 1000 score on average?

No people that need every single 3D model in a online game are dense and should seek profesional help.

Not everyone is living off their parents, some of us are working people.

Omg dude… This entire thread you haven’t understood that the average score of 1000-1200 is for the entire community

You are a lost cause. Have a nice day.

Ask @Legwolf then. He and i have ground out the events with a job and family etc.

Sounds like you have bit of a skill issue ;)

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And you surely have source for that.

Not really, im not going to be slaving away my life for the next year unlike fomo collectors.

Im no the one saying 22.5k score per day is insane amount.

Legwolf also mentioned that he supports this new system, no? ;)

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New drivers from AMD, and it turns out that they don’t work well with War Thunder. What I said before, stop with the garbage and imbecilities and get to work seriously once and for all, this is already going from being a joke to being an insult .

Same, while im not addicted to gambling im still opposed to lootboxes given their effect on those who are at risk or suffer from gambling addiction.

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