[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

I think they should lower still. Or extend it 1 day.

30,000 for the players is not unreasonable to ask.

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Right, but its far better than a crafting event which imposes wait times during the grind.

Could be better yeah, but this is a healthier update for anyone who isn’t suffering from FOMO or becomes a wood plank salesman during events for 0.20 GJN and treats war thunder as a day job lol


Yeah can’t imagine anyone treating WT as a day job when they’re tasked with 45k points.

I completely agree it’s everyone hated the crafting events. But people were also complaining about the regular events being to much.

I think the community would be better off with 30,000 every 2 days or 45,000 every 3 days.

It really doesn’t effect me either way but I’m on the side of the f2p players that are trying to do these events and are struggling.


Will it still be possible to draw any machine from previous events is how it has been so far ? (e.g. as in the form of crates as the last event had a snowman + carrot ?)

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Can we expect vehicles that are for ranks 4-6, like it used to be before increasing number of Eras instead of only 3 and 7?

Unironical dogecoin stock traders

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I’ll be short, cause it’s pointless anyway

Gaijin logic:
“Hey, in these events community grinds like crazy …why would we not have these events constantly = constant max grind = profit …right?”


See, the 1st issue is that your infrastructure does not support this kind of traffic load. Game plays like sh*t at the events. This matters. People that like to grind to sell are not your whales you milk. If someone is willing to work 3 weeks to get 20 Gjn, this is not your target customer. Also, these type of events promote greedy and unfair gameplay that will generally have a negative impact of the game quality.

Also, events are still too grindy. This is anty casual setup and casuals are what carries this game. Busy dads with 2 jobs. Chinese /Brasilian teen that plays 20 hrs has no money.

If you want more money stop scaring people away with unsustainable SL economy.
Also make BP grindable for all player types. If I’m just pilot, and I play regularly, I should have no issues.
I swear, you’ll never learn.


That is exactly why I liked 'Build-a-Bear" events.
Everyone got something.
I often got 5-10GJN just for my normal play during the events.

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This is a complete joke of a response. As others have stated, it’s obvious you don’t play the game in a capacity that would allow you to form a meaningful opinion.

I have yet to meet a single person who thinks that the score requirements in events are acceptable. The entire community seems to have reached a consensus that the requirements are absurdly high.


It’s not rocket science to check if I play the game or not, really.



Clearly afk for all 25000 realistic battles

Any news on tomorrow event ?

They will announce it tomorrow ;)

Yet it makes little sense to suggest to play at higher ranks for the multiplier when that multiplier exists to compensate for lower earnings.

Me, the tryhard: “Finally! OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!”

Love the change! Now I don’t have to go for 2 or 3 stars in 1 day!


Hello, i just saw the post and i didn’t read all the discussion, i have a few questions, sorry if they were already asked:

Can we expect costal vessels among the naval vessels rewards?
will the events be tied with the battlepass? (example: the week where a ground BP challenge starts is also the week where the event with a ground reward start)
Since some people relied on crafting events to gain some GJN, expecting there will be minor rewards, will they be able to sell said minor rewards?
If you ever going to introduce helicopters as well in the prize pool, do we grind the event in Heli PvE or in Ground battles?
expecting there will be minor rewards, can we expect boosters, premium account, backups and skins?
i know your plan is to make the players get all the vehicles and increase the number of daily players, but isn’t 2 minimum days pause too little?
knowing that events can lead to a server stress, can we expect an increase of resources on servers performance?

thanks in advance for the replies

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So for example if tanks is gonna be high tier, will plane and ship be high tier aswell or will it be mixed?

And are they gonna be regular or premium vehicles?


And how are vehicles gonna be rotated between countries?