[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

It vary well may be.

I do not see the allure of talking to someone over a phone or through a computer.

You made 135 posts on this forum in total and spend total of one day reading through them 💀💀

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Seems pretty small are you sure it’s not more?

Its what your profile says.

I guess it depends on context. I specifically play my games to play them with friends. I have great fun talking to them. I would also never have to waste money on something useless like alcohol to be able to have fun with my friends.

I’m lucky enough to have my best friends close by, so I have the ability to still chill in person with them. If someone can’t see those friends irl than I can also understand why an online arrangement works fine.

Again i perfer going out spending physical time with people.

Every two days at 35000 or 45000, wouldn’t the time cost for players still be similar to before? The activity cycle is so long that even more time costs need to be paid. Since each cycle is so long, the daily score should be controlled at 10000

You brought up my personal life and called me a shut in lol practice what you preach maybe.

What was that first point you made? Something about personal lives?

Glad we could see eye to eye on something.


Interesting being that i have been on this forum for about 2 months now.

You brought up your personal life. I made remarks about it. I was not the one who shared playing a video game while their girlfriend is trying to have a conversation. I advised if it is going to up set you not to share it.

I chat to her while I play. It’s so I have something to do with my hands while we chat, otherwise i’d just phone call her.
I’m really not seeing your point here lol
I get out plenty, chat with folks in person, go see places, work a 9-5, and maintain a relationship.
I still manage to do these events.

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Maybe just get better at the game, or stop caring so much about the events and just have fun.

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I don’t know. From what i can see we just have different morals. I’m of the moral that if your on your phone play a game or texting whatever your not invested in the conversation. When i talk to people or are out with friends i get fully involved in the conversations we are have. But maybe this way of thinking is archaic. I will leave it at that because the rest of my opinions on this is a bit political.

I multitask.

S’about it.


Again does not change that it rude.

She is also playing video games as we talk…
I’m not grossly offended by my partner having a hobby lol

Are we supposed to stare off into space and sit still?

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Never taking relationship advice from WT players lmao


If you two are fine with it then what does my opinion matter. I’ve already explained to you it’s a difference in morals.

This thread is long enough without all this personal stuff.


Yeah i’m not seeing how this relates at all to the event changes lol

Its less of a pain in the ass and less of a grind. Easier for new players and better overall.

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