[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

My girlfriend lives in Denver. I live in the highlands of Scotland. Outside of times we get to organise chances to actually spend time together, this is how I get to speak to my partner and works fine for us, not that that’s any of your business.

I work a 9-5 as a senior analyst at a Scottish university, so when I come home, i’m pretty wiped and just want to turn my brain off, speak to people I like and relax after work. War Thunder is that.

I don’t drink, and when my partner is here, we travel all across the country on road trips and hiking adventures or to see museums.

I come home from work, eat my dinner, watch random trash, then spend the night playing some WT before heading to bed - That’s decent downtime to me? lol


The thing is, beancoutners spoke beancounterish and the decisison was made. They KNOW that “always on specials” means “there are no specials at all”, they KNOW people will burn out from missing FOMO goals, and they KNOW they will lose revenue by next year… but beancounters made the numbers go up for 2024 and let 2025 sort its own problems when it comes.

It’s a business after all and no matter how hard you try, the tools are those in the toolbox and nothing else. This bad move it’s not even terminal stupid, honest. They’re still a way to go from being like that other company and their naval combat game…

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What are even on about? The plane is still in game?

Talking with people you cant see in person for one reason or another over discord sounds like perfectly fine behaviour to me. Pc is just a medium enabling that. Same result could be achieved with telephone. would you call him telephone addict if he used it to speak to his girlfriend?

But you know whats unhealthy dedication to something?

FOMO people who simply need to grind EVERY event vehicle, saying that they they will be grinding for entire year nonstop under the new system.

That isnt unhealthy dedication according to you?

To be glued to your PC for entire year slaving away to grind EVERY event vehicle?

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How about change each task’s duration from per 2days to per 6days (then it will be 2 tasks for a 12day event and 3 tasks for a 18day event), so that players can have a more flexible arrangement to play?

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people change their minds from time to time, if those old event vehicles can return, then players will be more willing to grind only what they want now and give up some for later.

then FFAR will soon be nerfed against bases and airfields

Agreed, 2 days is nuts for people like me who go to work and are not very good players.

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bro, if u have a job and a good life, then gaijin expect u to give them money, or u can say they mainly depends on u guys.

can anyone tell me what FOMO is? i am new to the community…

how u know other players average score? i can only do it when i am in game

[F]ear [O]f [M]issing [O]ut

Ok, thanks.
So FOMO doesn’t sound very bad? right?

Well with some people, FOMO reaches almost addiction levels of problem, because they simply cant live without getting every time limited item in game.

Who cares that some plane is just a recolor of tech tree one? Its time limited and they need to have it.

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I will respect that it’s working for you. And happy it is, it still sounds rude to me but if you are both happy that doesn’t matter. As for the not my business i would suggest that you refrain from bringing up personal details to fight your arguments.

As for the rest of it what you have shared I’m glad you do get out on occasion. But it sounds a bit like your anti social. Which was my original point, and just because that’s my opinion does not matter. Do whatever makes you happy.

It all sounds depressing and anti social. So your point?

I would like gaijin to lower the points so the FOMO will maybe spend less time behind a computer screen.



I don’t really like the idea of constant events, we already have a battle pass, to be fair the BP is something, that i can unlock just by playing semi irregularly.
The Events are not really something, that i enjoy in the first place, because it’s just to much to do and it sometimes makes WT feel like a second job. I am aware, that the events are optional, but still, if there is something you want, it’s either spend money or “suffer” the grind.

Slow down the intensity and give people time to unlock stars, without increasing the requirement per star. Maybe give players one or two extra days to unlock a Star. Again i am aware, that we “only” need 1 star instead of 3 (assuming you wanted to grind everything).

Otherwise, i think people will get bored quickly and feel like they cant keep up with to content, which could make players burn out and quit the game.

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My point is you are literally trying to paint @Legwolf , a man in a relationship as some shut-in, while arguing on online forum about limited time aviability of 3D models in a free to play video game.

If thats not pathetic i dont know what is.

Why dont you fear on missing out on some women instead?


What is the difference between gaming (not just WT, any game) and going out if both activities are to talk/have fun with close friends?

Sounds like some old outdated mentality of “oh no you need to go out andwaste money on alcohol with your friends to be real friends and have a life”.

I don’t know what fear you are talking about but i am guessing you are projecting yourself.

He said he spends most of his time playing this game, and i believe it is rude to be play a game while someone is trying hold a conversation with you.

I’ve told him if there both happy my opinion does not matter. Does not change that i think it is rude, and prefer social environments.