[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

35k-45k every two days during the whole year? No thanks, pass.


Unfortunately that is not always the case and especially when there is an event running, and even more so when it has been a “scoring” based event. Games can and do end much faster because everyone is going for the most points they can get as fast as they can. Some do score ok, but most get diddly and this ends up prolonging the entire “event grind” and with the very one sided “penalties”(some call them multipliers, but when you are getting deducted for what you play, that is a penalty) the scoring is gimped even more. Yes, you can play higher tiers or modes, regardless if you like/enjoy them or score so poorly that it ends up being even less net points . . . yeah, it’s not that great or fun. So, depending on which vehicle type event is running, those options and occurrences will still be there. I hope it’s not a rotating pandemonium, but the chances that it will be . . . are still gonna be there.

I am not a fan of this new event cycle. It seems like it will just create a constant, endless grind with no breaks. I preferred the previous events much more, although they were indeed grindy, I could almost always complete them and collect all the prizes for that event, and I atleast enjoyed that there were breaks between events. now it is going to be a constant grind. The only positive change from this in my opinion is that crafting events are gone as those were really bad grindfests and you couldnt even get all the awards.


I actually used to enjoy the crafting events. Then Gaijin stole my F9F-8 Cougar with the “Sons of Attila” update and I stopped spending money. Yeah, I will miss the crafting events but I was no longer actively participating since I’ve had a plane I worked so hard for so long stolen from me so it actually no longer makes a difference. However, because of their theft, I will not be actively participating in the new thing either so lose-lose for Gaijin. Since I should finally be getting my F9F-8 Cougar within the next month, Gaijin had better GIVE me 2 Premium aircraft Not Less Than Tier V as compensation for pain and suffering if they want my participation again!

127 days since Gaijin STOLE MY F9F-8 Cougar!!!

Why is the text big and what are you on about

It’s already challenging enough during the established Designated Event Dates, which we’ve become accustomed to over the years, for those with a life to secure these vehicles. Now, let’s spice things up by randomly scattering them throughout the year, ensuring that an even larger audience can experience the heartbreak of missing out… This makes it even more difficult for people to make time to do these events. Especially if these Score Requirements are staying at 35-45K every 2 days.


Hey Forum Moderators,

Where do we go to actually give feedback? Like feedback that actually gets pass on to devs. Clearly the forums aren’t it. Its pretty clear people weren’t happy with the Abrams armor response, the Challenger 2 response, the proposed BR changes, and this change to the event cycle. But yet there’s be zero follow-up. Zero “hey, we have heard your concerns and here’s a further explanation to clarify some possible frustrations or based on your feedback we will make some adjustments and postpone this”.

Gaijin is paying for community managers but they only seem to dump and run. We have also been told our considerations/responses here are getting passed on but that clearly does not appear to be the case. So…where do we go? Surely Steam reviews aren’t the only way to go here. Is there a secret handshake something 98% of us don’t know about? Button combination or code phrase?


The score should be max 30k, we have to work and study and live, and even though warthunder is fun, it’s impossible to spend all your time on it, I suggest modifying it to 20-30k score


Lowering the score requirement is the easiest way to reduce the stress of the event


Been thinking over ways to improve events and the biggest problem is time commitment. Not everyone is going to be able to spent X amount of time every 48 hours for a vehicle. That just isnt fair. So, some possible solutions:

  1. Reduce score requirements and/or reduce the number of tokens needed for each vehicle (6-7 instead of 8) . This would mean you could skip more tokens but not loose out on the vehicle. Maybe just add a new 10 token reward, like a skin

  2. Increase the amount of time per token to 3 days (up from 2) just to give more time. Also would be relatively clean, with each event running for each month.

  3. Somehow allow for multiple tokens to be farmed in a single session. (So lets say you complete token 3, token 4 unlocks right away and you can start farming it early, but if you complete token 4, Token 5 doesnt unlock until it would normally. Just means you can then get 2 done in 1 day and then have the next few days off (this would have been really nice over the Christmas period)

I think a combo of these 3, maybe even all 3, would work really well


This is absurd. Having to grind the events every month all year round is ridiculous. We have lives you know.


I can’t grind for 11 months out of the year that’s absolutely insane. The battlepass and events already cause burnout. Also every event brings out the worst players bad or sweaty and it sucks to play during an event because of this and i can’t imagine how bad it would be all year long. My buddy has just refused to participate in any of the battlepasses or events because the grind is too much. 45,000 points every 2 days is insane even for me as an expert arcade player. I have a life outside of this game.


You think this is healthy? I’m sorry but you sound like a shut-in. What is your girlfriend talking to you on discord? You sound like you live through your computer.

Bro, this is not me trying to mock you but please go outside and do something. Go to a bar with your friends or go hiking with your girlfriend. The dedication you have to your pc is not healthy.

Dude what are you going on about? I was talking about why people hate high tiers.

Hmm…crafting events in their previous format

good solution,agree with you

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we are cyber slavies now

agree with u

Clans and activities in clans will actually be dead, and clans will only be used for researching clan machines and communities on Discord, etc. they will die because every active player will try to get salable coupon/star and then rest from the game.

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I really like the opportunity this brings for more historical event-based… well, events. And how it means we could have more numerous event vehicles of historical significance - for example stuff like obscure spitfire marks, or vehicles named after historically significant figures (eg Plagis’ Spitfire).

I just hope that these events aren’t really grindy and that the vehicles are available as marketplace coupons. As a uni student I simply don’t have the time to grind lots of events, and likewise for people in the workplace. Lower cost and more frequent events is definitely a plus. More marketplace transactions also means more money leaving the marketplace, which would seem to be a win for Gaijin with people paying in more to replenish it.