[Development] Introducing War Thunder’s New Event Cycle

12 - 18 days as posted in the article.
12 days BTW is 6 stars.

oh yeah I didn’t read well my bad
so it will probably be 6-8 stars


  • Removal of crafting event. By far the least popular event type in the games history. Especially with it’s effective pay to succeed in that generally materials are given in a RNG system and usually not enough to obtain all vehicles.
  • Reducing each event to 1 vehicle. The other real issue with the events like the recent winter extreme is that there’s so many vehicles and each vehicle requires playtime in every mode. Simplifying it to one vehicle/game type is move in a good direction.


  • The constant stream of events is going to lead to player burnout. Even if you can choose to skip an event for a vehicle you don’t want there’s a large number of collectors out there who will want each.
  • This is just outright a bad issue that reeks of trying to capitalize on FOMO. Just look to Destiny to see how that has worked out for them (not well).
  • Changing of the points required which is determined by the vehicles BR/Rank (which you know as well as we do is subject to change).
  • One of the biggest issues with reward vehicles is that several vehicles that would’ve been better suited to fill gaps in the standard tech tree’s are used as event vehicles. This is only going to exacerbate that problem.

I’m 100% against this. Just remove the crafting event and reduce the events to one vehicle to grind out. It’s not that hard or complicated. Or combined all the vehicles into one grind where every game mode (Air, Ground, Naval, AB, RB, SB) all apply to the score.


The 5 players that naval regularly:

You didn’t even read following posts do you?

Gonna be a few more than that now, 3 weeks out of every 9, it seems.

ngl I like to see who it was that made this suggestion to them as I see people time and again saying,

A. Burnout
B. Score points are too high

If they really listened to the player base as they claimed which I for one don’t trust a word about that.
Then they should know how much Burnout by the high score really matters.


Oh my god, how nice it would be to spend this effort on improving all the disasters that the game has, and now they are going to fill us with events to see if that’s how people play, they are going to try everything to keep the players playing Instead of doing what they have to do, fix the damn game, and look how easy it is, but hey, let them do what they want, I’m not going to play a game anymore that I almost play forcing myself because they give me rubbish events every fucking month.I will play my 12 or 18 games at most a day, if I get it right, if not then screw it up their ass.

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yep 35 to 40k is honestly insane every 2 days. but lets be realistic this is gaijin attempt to increase playtime so we will probably not see any reduction in point requirement, not to mention the fact we might see less and less interesting vehicles coming to TT coming forward, with them profiting off market purchases this is 100% going to turn much worse for the game in the long run

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35-45k. Lol that’s one way to burn out your F2P players even more. Just say openly that you want more players paying with GE to get through stages every 12-18 days and have an off period of 2-3 days where you don’t receive money from the players. The idea is good, but the execution is less than ideal. Lower the points from 35-45k to 20-30k and then it’d stop looking like a money grab. But like I said, the general idea of having one vehicle reward at a time instead of having to choose one out of multiple vehicles is solid.


35,000 to 45,000 mission points per task, in two days…?

That does not feel as much as a reward for spending your time inside the game as feels like a punishment for having a life outside of it…


Kinda sacked over the Christmas weekend. Farmed out that token on Christmas eve

My god some one doesn’t like it when people do pve

Yeah exactly…

Community: please lower the required amount to 30k, the grind is too hard.

Gaijin: Ok sure! We’ll raise it to 45k!

Lmfao… Classic gaijin…


hides Buc S2

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Just kill the enemy planes with your bombs

I have done that more than a few times. The crit hits confuse me every time


Lol desperate for players’ playtime much?


I have mixed feelings about this.

Personally I don’t like a continuous stream of events, especially since we already have the Battlepass. It’s clearly meant to bind the playerbase to the game as much as possible either in time or money. This is a trend I personally regret to see and this is taking it a step too far and clearly preying on FOMO. Gaijin would do well to take player health more into account going forward, both morally and also because this can become counterproductive in the long run. For me it will probably mean I will give up trying to get all interesting event vehicles as I want to take some time off the game from time to time or play below rank 3.

On the other hand, happy to see old style events (especially the crafting variant) go. They were just too taxing for players with less time on their hands. Now it’s possible to focus on only 1 vehicle, which will be more doable on day to day basis. And it’s always cool to have new vehicles in the game and this guarantees a practically continuous stream.

As we will probably go down this road anyway, might as well give some suggestions:

  • This would be a good way to have a continuous stream of new decals in the game, next to the vehicle. Kind of like an updated variant of the old monthly decals system. Also would be nice to reintroduce those old monthly decals to the game.
  • Please allow getting some older event vehicles from time to time. There are a few I really like to see that I was never able to get and are also not on the Market. Think vehicles like Yak-3T, Swordfish Mk II, PBM-3, Lorraine 155 and of course vehicles like EBR '54 (which I have but a lot of people would like to see).
  • Make it possible to earn (lower rank) vehicles with Rank 2 and maybe even Rank 1.
  • Lower the required RP. For me it’s quite doable but for a lot of players this won’t be the case.

becareful for the flag :P