[Development] Collecting Your Ideas for the 2024 Roadmap

Not too mention the fact that I often play on the US servers (despite being in the UK) because late at night there are no EU SB matches up. and im sure many others do to. I often have a ping at and around 100

so you are a skill issue player. sorry mate :(

It is what it is, the devs are destroying the game more to transform it into a game in which the players do not have to think much, just go forward and that’s it, lest their brains explode because they have to go forward. the sides of the map. In short, what the devs have done to the game is a real shame.


Did anyone say anything about fixing m735?


Sadly not so far it seems, Gaijin just forgot about how massive of a failure they had there…

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Please for the love of god increase RP gains in GRB there’s no reason for getting significantly less RP in GRB compared to ARB outside of making the grind take longer.


Personally I think the best thing they can do for this new year is add the Chinese ZTQ-15 light tank.

And its export variant, the VT-5. (VT-5B with GL-5 APS but less add-on armor as premium, thanks)

And since China is missing dozens of its IFVs that have not been added yet for some reason, the VN17 should also get added which is an IFV built on the same platform as the ZTQ-15 and VT-5.

I think that would really fix the game and, uh… Make it really good. To play.


Maybe a research buff for eventplanes (premium planes research but with event vehicles)



Easier to do a high number of kills in GRB than ARB, that’s why the Skill Bonus of RP is set differently depending on which Mode you play:

You just need to do more kills to gain more RP, and it is balanced due to fact that YOU CAN RESPAWN MULTIPLE TIMES IN GRB and not in ARB
(Not Gaijin problem if you don’t respawn more than one time → bye One-Death Leaving Economy that means nothing since 2020 changes already, and even more today)

3-5 kills = 15% bonus
6-8 kills = 50% bonus
9+ kills = 100% bonus

2 kills = 35% bonus
3 kills = 75% bonus
4+kills = 100% bonus

Others details that’s proves me right:


Arcade Air battles is set accordingly to the respawn ability:
3-5 → 15%
6-9 → 40%
10+ → 100%

And only Ground Simulator does have such bonuses:
3-4 → 20%
5-7 → 50%
8+ → 100%

You do realise the skill bonus doesnt take into account RP modifers whatsover and that GRB has a soft cap of 10k rp per game thats difficult to get past, why are you defending the unreasonable grind in the first place


Sure,… you do think we got through 10k RP really easily, do you?

I don’t see players doing scores over 10kills very often in ARB.

I do see people in tanks doing more than 15 kills very often in comparison.

The scores and balance of rewards is done on the overall,…

You also can shoot yourselves from spawn to spawn in many maps :
Not possible in aircrafts (at least for now)
So that time lost flying to get in the fight is a lost rewarding time → been compensated by a better Reward when killing.

The compensations are done both ways,…
SPAAG/SPAAM do recieve more RP/SL when doing their job of Air-Defence too.

In brief, and once again, you guys cries over immediate sight of rewards,… but don’t understand that it is spread on the full game.

→ in ARB, when a player got shot immediatly, it’s a pure loss of time/reward, and have to jump in back in next game.

All i say is: you don’t give us overall picture, because you do not take it in account.

Bud 10min game with 3 kills gets you atleast 15k RP in Air RB.

20min game with 15 kills gets you 9k RP in Ground RB.

With premium for both.

Now how is that “balanced”?


i would like more chinese top tier, currently the chinese tree is mostly just copy paste

You realise by saying “you have to get lots of kills”, you’re basically saying only a small percentage of players are entitled to a reasonable progression speed? Not everyone can be getting 10+ kill matches by definition.


All I did was state facts.

Same for ARB, not everyone can get 4 kills.

is there a link to where you got those facts from?

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Except in RB you get decent activity from just a single kill. You get much more RP from an air rb match with one or two kills than a ground rb match with 5 kills.

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i’ll say: that’s normal - you’re a pilot in ARB , not a tanker.

anyone can be a tanker, not anyone can be a pilot,… as said earlier, there is compensation anywhere in this game,… and even if you think that the RP is getting from activity, the number of potential target in GRB make up for it,… again.

most players today ODL’s,… if they stopped ODL you’ll see 35% more tanks/targets that could be killed.
therefore the ratio would be closer to 7-8 kills for 2/3 victors, and 1/3 loosers,…

yet the game is biased, because of ODL,… and that’s why RP is sensibly lessenned in GRB than ARB,…
Players needs to play, not to leave and cope

people win TO want no planes, what i want is players playing the game the way it is designed,…
so no,…