[Development] Collecting Your Ideas for the 2024 Roadmap

It does though…

If other sabres are from 8.3 to 8.7 and mig21 gets moved to 9.0 LIKE CL13, then how can you actually claim:

None of this has anything to do with this argument.

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I’d love to add to this data - I’d like to see the return of monthly historical decals, and a way for players to obtain ones that have passed with GE. This would cost Gaijin nothing to implement, while opening up ALOT of customisation for nations like China who lack decals for base users.

I would also like to see South Africa receive green “Standard” camouflagues. I think people would be FAR more receptive to this tech tree, if their vehicles were treated like any other in the game and didn’t stick out on 99% of the maps like a sore thumb. Plenty of SA vehicles feature green camos IRL, and even so - Historical Camos on vehicles has never been a standard in the first place. Black Night never featured a winterised camo, desert camo, etc. Same with pretty much every other vehicle.
Why is SA the exception to this rule? They need to have a fighting chance by not being so visually striking.


Forget spading, I just want a good gamemode to play Helis in. I hate having to play GRB for a half-fun experience in a heli

(Id argue that is why there are so many helis in GRB, its because its basically the only gamemode for them)

That’s great, now how about the RP boost for new nations when you reach top tier in another? Jets got all the love and made much better to grind, yet tanks are still unbearably long and such little reward.


I would like to see ww2 era planes added to the game like Fairey Barracuda, Fairey Albacore, Consolidated TBY Sea Wolf, Curtiss SBC Helldiver, sbd 5 dauntless and more ships 😉 what would be fun to see is maybe a game mode like coöp mission againt ai or someting

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Is the roadmap going to be released soon? Or at least a post similar to the one last year summing up all major suggestions? It just seems that it’s taking a lot longer than in the summer. I know it was Christmas and all but still it took only a few days last time. Can we at least know how many responses are there on the form? Just curious.

Nah, we had like a suvey end of may, and answers mid July in the form of roadmap ^^"

This is just wrong, survey was opened on May the 19th in this post and it closed on the 25th, some insight was given in this post on the 29th, so 4 days after the closing of the survey. The roadmap was released on the June the 13th, so two weeks after the previous post

Haaa, you talk about the com to say “we will take sometime to read everything”

Welll that one was unusual one, and it was made because of the steam bombing going faster and faster.

right, so they didn’t even know they were doing it and weren’t prepared and it only took 2 weeks.
This time they knew they were doing it and have been preparing.
So to let them be extra through and give some extra time for the holyday vacations: about 3weeks (4 weeks tops).
its now been about 3 weeks since the poll closed so i would expect it Friday or early next week.
Any longer than that and i will personally start getting a bit impatient :P

Seriously, the game needs a change in the damage model but NOW, right now, tomorrow, this is truly unspeakable garbage, it gives you soul cancer just by playing. I have been playing this last month with the German Br 6.7 tanks ,like the ferdinand, tiger 2 etc, and I left the post-war tanks like the M41, the PZk90 and the spz-12-3 for later, I have started using them and the difference in effectiveness is like a world despite which are from the same Br, first with the M41 you can only use the M319 which is an APCR, directly the bullet most abused by gaijin, capable of bouncing off paper and when it pierces it does absolutely no damage, then we have the pzk 90 that starts with HESH which is also a pain until you get the HEAT-FS which in any case does not kill with one shot, and finally we have the spz-12, which with its HEAT of more than 400mm of penetration is capable of needing up to 4 or 5 shots to kill an enemy, which translates to over 400mm that’s no good for shit. The damage model desperately needs to be modified correctly, giving each bullet its actual damage, not one made up by some guy who I go through gaijin, it cannot be that this enormous imbalance exists and that the developers do not do something, unless this game already gives them absolutely the same and they do not want to spend a lot of effort on improving it.

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And by the way, can someone tell me why the hell they implement the breaking of the APCR and APDS (which is correct in the initial models), but it doesn’t break and fragment into many pieces when it penetrates armor? Because if it fragments when passing through a plate, This indicates that when penetrating armor and only the crew is behind, this bullet should fragment making a great spalling, however no, if there are two plates it fragments in the first one, but if it is only one it does not fragment at all and passes by to through the crew without causing damage.
Really a real shame.

You know,… buy a CNC some materials, and great a Gun, a round and a Armor plating,… → shoot through the armor plating, while recording it.

Then use it as Bug Report ^^"

I doubt they will change anything about the damage model, there are players who have been reporting for years how badly they are done, but they have never paid attention, I think it is an issue like the penetration calculator, they did one, they did it wrong, they know them the players, gaijin knows it, the players ask for an improvement, gaijin does nothing. It’s always the same, it’s destroying everything that can make the game better, if you don’t look at what they have done to the maps, a real shame game, a great potential completely wasted.

You know that if it’s the calculation method used behind the scenes, you do have a fair game, as everyone using the same?

Things aren’t entirely physically correct → that’s not the objective.

It’s not an objective, because the massive of calculation it would require (multiplied by the number of players/games) would require that each every server today to be linked with a supercalculator.

At some point, you need to do some simplifications, and that’s normal.

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Let’s see, they don’t have to invent unlimited and free energy, simply use a better formula for penetrations, especially in the Full AP and APCR formula, in the rest they can more or less leave it as it is because they are inside than fits well. The problem with the game is that, because of the damage and penetration model there are tanks that are a pain to play, when they should not be like that, apart from the fact that it makes certain types of bullets completely useless, for example the APCR are useless if you can use APHE.

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Br system not exsist. Make max 0.3± up/downtier or give +100% xp/sl reward in full uptier
increase the rewards in sim mode
squadron battle rework with rewards
bigger maps in 8.3+
remove the fog from the maps
add back the flank spots
turn off the crossplay on pc
limit the ping to 130 and when the ping go higher autokick (chinese vpn player fix)

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Thanks to the roadmap we have now Battlepass challenges and Warbond tasks that can be done in SB. But (here is always a but) in Ground forces SB the Tier III limit should be removed provided we must pick in a list of vehicles and some days there are no tier III vehicle playable in the ww2 event.

No the ping thing is a horrible idea. I have hit over 200 ping many many times in a day and it would cause unnecessary frustration for ppl with worse Internet like me.

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Oh boy, I love being autokicked from 80% of matches because my internet sucks.

Wow, that’s a bad idea.

Turning off crossplay is kinda stupid and helps nothing.

Other than those, I agree. CQC maps aren’t fun at higher BRs (unless its Rhine), and the removal of flanking routes is just bad.