[Development] Battle Pass Vehicles: M551(76)

Possibly. Kind of burned out from suggestions and poor implementation of some newer vehicles ngl. We’ll see


It’s very similiar to M41D - War Thunder Wiki which is 8.0.
Though lacks APFSDS and thermal, it gets stab instead. I am afraid it will be 7.7-8.0.
IDK I fell like 6.7-7.3 would be too OP but 7.7-8.0 would suffer too much.
IMO the stab should get removed and vehicle placed at 6.3.

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Wow, that’s a great BP vehicle. Probably the best since the Cent Mk 5. I wonder about BR- twin-plane stabilized with laser rangefinder, exceptional mobility, and decent gun. 7.7-8.0? Also shouldn’t this have HEAT-FS?

Why not put it at 7.0 and see how it shakes out?

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Combining this new addition and a higher turret traverse speed than the M41 (a whopping 40 degrees a second on a top crew!), the M551(76) can be put to good use while on the move, and is great at reacting to new threats quickly thanks to the fast turret traverse.

If i am not mistaken didn’t the M41A1 version receive a nerf to its turret rotation that would be applicable for the M41

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Walker Bulldog is one of my favourite vehicles thanks to APDS.

Is the 76 mm the only thing that differs from the current M551 at rank VI?

Yeah, sadly, it’s probably going to be one of the Payed BP vehicles and not a free one, especially with it being one I would enjoy having. Is what is it I guess.

In the game? Probably.
In reality it was just a mockup to see if the gun would fit in the turret. Didn’t have power controls etc. IIRC from the Hunnicutt’s Sheridan book, it was never even fired.

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Would it get HEAT? APDS is good but sometimes just sucks

It would not have been called “M551(76)”. At the time it was still “XM551”. /nit

Remember getting a lot of fun from German Bulldog at 6.3 with APDS and HEAT FS I was penetrating everything

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I just can’t see the 76mm apds post pen damage being any good personally

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They will add this eventually

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If it will get HEAR alongside APDS it is worth it. Probably 7.3 max tank would be super

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It’ll be 8.0 i bet

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I don’t think so, APDS has 300mm of pen flat and HEAT-FS would be 250 flat. They should have it 76mm APFSDS and put it on 8.3 and it would also be fun.

AUBL is 8.0 with enormous speed, stabilizer and APFSDS so I don’t know if 76mm Sheridan is good enough for 8.0 with less speed and worse ammo choice

We’ll have to see :D

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