[Development] Battle Pass Vehicles: M551(76)

no it wont be able to swim.

I think the Sheridan 105mm would make more sense


Gladly. Make the BP 4000-5000GE and give me a 4th prize → rank VII/VIII jet.

IMO BP should have camo prizes as well, instead of the filler wagers and orders.


The M41’s APDS is actually really good.

You might be thinking of early generation APDS like the British ones for 17-pounder. Those were nerfed a while back.


DUDE that would be F’n GREAT!!! Putting in some of the battle trophies skins in there or some really rare skins should defiantly be apart of the BP . You should make the suggestion for it and im sure a lot of people would upvote it.

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Effective apds?? From a 76mm?? You sure about that? XD still should be a fun little flanker… Provided you don’t block off half the maps


I made one on the old forums. Got ignored.
Having experience with other games BP like DRG or COD, they offer so much more value and each level is something like camo, decals, credits/XP boosters, operators, cosmetics… In WT we have useless trash filler filler filler warbonds filler filler filler deocrator filler filler filler vehicle.


Activate kill assist wager and grind tons of SL.

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I’m sorry, are you slow or something? I’m clearly talking about rank V premiums, just like we had in the first two battle passes.


It’s an acquired taste

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Hopefully scout works XD

Two plane stabilised Rank 4 Light Tank sounds good, but Rank 5 would be more fitting, since US doesn’t have one yet.


will it get apdsfs?

If it’s rank 4, I hope it’s 6.7/7.0. Because rank IV but 7.7 would be a total joke.

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can you make a suggestion for the TTS?

Possibly. Kind of burned out from suggestions and poor implementation of some newer vehicles ngl. We’ll see


It’s very similiar to M41D - War Thunder Wiki which is 8.0.
Though lacks APFSDS and thermal, it gets stab instead. I am afraid it will be 7.7-8.0.
IDK I fell like 6.7-7.3 would be too OP but 7.7-8.0 would suffer too much.
IMO the stab should get removed and vehicle placed at 6.3.

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Wow, that’s a great BP vehicle. Probably the best since the Cent Mk 5. I wonder about BR- twin-plane stabilized with laser rangefinder, exceptional mobility, and decent gun. 7.7-8.0? Also shouldn’t this have HEAT-FS?

Why not put it at 7.0 and see how it shakes out?

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Combining this new addition and a higher turret traverse speed than the M41 (a whopping 40 degrees a second on a top crew!), the M551(76) can be put to good use while on the move, and is great at reacting to new threats quickly thanks to the fast turret traverse.

If i am not mistaken didn’t the M41A1 version receive a nerf to its turret rotation that would be applicable for the M41

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