[Development] AMX-10M: A Familiar Beast

could have been another AMX 10 M, with a turreted 20mm and coaxial missile launchers that could make it a Mardher-ish vehicle
(i am definitely not biased towards my own suggestion)


It’s not a paper vehicle. It was built and tested:


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I do not want to denigrate the work of the developers but a vehicle just built with one or even two prototypes is not like a vehicle built in series, having served in an army and having participated in operations


i don’t think the number of vehicle built is relevant. Sometime, vehicles fit for service stays prototypes for political or economical reasons. But i think that actually used vehicles should be top priority whenever it’s possible and not wanky prototypes, especially if there are gaps in the tech tree. As to criticize the choice of vehicles isn’t denigrating the work of the devs, but the guy that thought: “hey, let’s allocate resources to make this, even tho it’ll be useless, not liked and is a waste of time and money!”


the base vehicle itself is quite trash, you only have a single 20mm and troop transport capacity

At least the 10 M (ACRA) allowed to have AT capabilities

the 10 M (HOT) would have been better due to its turreted nature (i know im not taking the turreted AMX 10 M ACRA into account here)

but a single 20mm is quite bad when you have much better SPAAs that can be added to France

Single barrel SPAA is useless compared to SPAAs with 2,4,6 guns and France has many of those (just take the AMX 13 chassis and you can plug most holes of the tree with S232 (4 MG 151) , S533 (2 20F2) and S401(2 HS831) )

Devs need people to play the vehicle to get money out of it (GE, grinding, creates the need to nuy premium tank/ time. Only good vehicles and good lineups can trigger that.

In a purely logical fashion the base 10P is by useless. However the chassis is not.

If you want to play a helpless nation and then complain we never get anything at updates because it isn’t worth the time or money for developers your call. But don’t complain if it become a completely abandoned tree, even more than it is now.

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But how are you going to use it ? I feel like it’s just going to be food for planes and IFVs/SPAAs …

It’ll probably augment an AMX-50.
AMX-13-90, AMX-50 Foch/120, AMX-10M, and Loraine 40T depending on BRs of everything.

i didnt say i know where its going to be placed. Just that every single possible placement for it would be bad for either it or other vehicles

Yes but I mean tactically. Cuz it doesn’t seem good at hull down and any long distance engagement will end up lethal since the missile is slower than the shell you’ll eat.

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So… Do you remember that there are planes in WT? thats 5/6 tanks 1/6 naval.

Be patient.
It’s clear there’s something coming.

Just wish they cared about air as much as they care about ground. If the leak list linked above is any indicator, we might be getting a bomber variant of a mosquitto, or it might be another mosquitto like we’ve already got, maybe for another nation. it isnt clear. and then the Gnat maybe which would be a Br8 ish gun fighter I reckon. I was hoping for FA2 this update, or at least maybe CM overhaul/ECMs but I figure either of those would have been announced by now.

The leak list is at most half of what’s coming on average.
And the lack of air isn’t an indication of no air, it’s an indication of something big.

We can hope. But after the past few months. I have little faith in Gaijin. Minor nations are almost unplayable at the moment and it needs some really BIG to save most of them,

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Excuse you, sir, but Sweden, Japan, China, Israel, etc are not unplayable.
I should know… I play them. Just not Israel ground yet.

Britain? Tornado F3 is DOA and a totaljoke. So that leaves Tornado Gr1 or Harrier Gr7. both missing loads that would make them not just viable but fun. Below that Shar FRS1 been 8 months yet to be finished, Phantoms are over BRed massively. SRAAM and Red Tops still not usable. There is nothing abvoe BR9.3 for Britain that doesnt have some glaring flaw that makes it a pain to fly.

Chally 2 needs some love, its lacking loads, though the foldering is actualy going to make top tier farm possible now.

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Harrier GR7 isn’t missing anything that I’m aware of.
GR1 is only missing chaff really, which doesn’t matter at this time because the best way to avoid SPAA in GRB is 60% wing sweep, altitude & speed, and the best way to avoid radar missile in air is squirrel.

As for F3, it’s the best 11.3 in the game, which sure doesn’t say much since everything faces 12.0s most of the time, but it’s still the best among its peers. Sporting 4x 9Ls, 4x adequate radar missiles, and a staggering 1.2 mach on the deck when needing to escape.

MAWS and a handful of loadout options (both missing weapons and loadout configurations). Its HUD is also missing a few functions that have been suggested pretty much since it was added. So I doubt either are coming. Its RWR was a lot more advanced and should have things like IFF. It would also benefit from CCRP overhaul, 50% of its A2G weapons are basically unusable in SB

Also missing a LOT of HUD functionality

it might be the best 11.3, but it sports a 11.7 SB rating and only faces 12s, it might as well be a BR12 jet

9ls would be fine, but you know my issues with those
SkyTrash are really buggy still and missing loads of features (I think the current count is 4 or 5 current Bug reports, all acknowledge like 5 months ago)

More like 1.1 mach and that means nothing, F-16 can match it and Mig-29 is faster. I know both are fact. Because i’ve kept going after a joust and they’ve done a 180 and caught up in less than a minute. So if a joust fails, you might as well J out currently. and when 99% of encounters are all about who can get your gun onto the target first. F3 looses every. single. time

It’s also missing a LOT of HUD functionality

Valid. Mig-21MF & SMT have been missing it longer than everyone else. Dunno what that is. & those aren’t missing because neither are in the game, and weapon choice is up to Gaijin. ARM is also not needed at this time.

Loadout options are “missing” items.