Ground mapping radar, basically waht the Su-39 has, . Should have also gone to the Tornado IDS and A-6 I believe. Prehaps a few others too. Though the Tornado one is really advanced
Cluster bombs and ARM, I know aren’t options yet, but they really should be a priority. Cluster bombs should have been added years ago. I personally think ARMs should be added. Some SPAA is really strong currently and they are only going to get better. A hard counter would be interesting. But my interest is SB where Gaijin turned the AI SPAA up to max setting, then broke the dial turning up even further.
Harrier Gr7 should be able to carry 540s on every pylon for example, but should also have a much better targetting pod and different AGM options.
Su-39 doesn’t have a ground mapping radar. It has a ground vehicle detection radar.
Ground mapping isn’t in the game at this time.
GR7A, GR9, & GR9A for better T-Pods. GR7 is the quite literally just a base GR7 in-game.
It could still be equipped with Litening or Sniper. I think they even stated when it was added that TIALD was a ahistorical addition for purposes of balance, so too were the AGM-65Ds.
Could still be given the same kind of radar as a stop gap.
This is absolutely a waste of time. The vehicle is obviously unneeded and takes dev time away from the glaring gaps in the French tech tree, namely the SPAA branch which is the worst of all tech trees at the moment, save for Israel (for obvious reasons).
It would have been fun as a squadron or premium vehicle, at some point, if the massive problems of the tech tree had already been solved. With a terrible gun, no survivability and probably not great mobility, this won’t see much play and, again we need wheeled tanks and SPAA much more urgently (not to speak about the planes).
I was not sarcastic in that case, quite the opposite.
We have something unique - useless I admitt - and not a copy-paste vehicles from a another nation for France. It will be surprising, I’m pretty excited to have this SPG in my lineup.
Well, I’d rather we get something useful, especially considering how much a shamble the tech tree is. This is a complete waste of time, except, of course, for collection purposes.
Sorry my bad I am not native english I didn’t understood what you meant by “grinding it”. I tought you meant “unlocking it will be hard” which wasn’t making sense to me… So yeah indeed, it’ll be really hard to play