Hi, I have a problem. During a battle on Afghanistan with my Mig-23BN, I have exploded with no apparent reason. I have watched the replay and I still don’t see a reason for my destruction. I just remember that I exploded at the moment I launched a rocket. Here is the link leading to the replay:
The scene takes place at 5:40.
Can I have your opinion on what happened ?
Thank you
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Indeed very odd … I hope it is ok if I show some screenshots of your replay here for others.
Just a second before … nobody around … and out of the sudden “crash”
Even battle log:
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Oh, Lord… is Gaijin modelling bird strikes now? :D
Well … maybe a gamemaster has an idea?
@Schindibee you got any clue what this could be? It really comes out of nothing. In GRB mode, I’m used to finding stones in the ground that I can’t see when I’m travelling at high speed and they pull my track. But this is new for me.
Yes of course you’re right to show the screenshots. I should have done that.
I have found the answer, my victory point was 666 at that moment, the number of the Devil ^^
For flying that fast you need premium
Or did the premium expired right in this moment?
Where is F-22 in Dev hands?
That’s probably your answer right there. The game probably desynced and your own rocket hit you when you launched it,
I’m afraid I don’t. I guess a tech mod would be more suitable to ask here…
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Thank you for taking the time anyway. o7
There’s another in the TK thread that could do with a tech mod reviewing it…
Player was behind a player and got crited and TKed by the guy in front just firing guns.
As I said, nothing I can do here…
Hey guys ! 6 months later I ve been victim of an unjustified explosion AGAIN ! First battle of the evening, on the same map, with the same rockets but with the Su-25, I exploded at 5:20 of the replay at the moment I launched my rockets…
In bonus I got a crew lock, which is a form of sanction. Since War Thunder spoiled my battle AND punished me for that, maybe War Thunder should get punished too ? And I hope they ll be more carefull in the future !
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