Derby / R-darter useless

Both of these missiles are using INSANE loft even at short ranges, killing its acceleration, max speed and then they have to use massive turn for intercept, often missing. Anyone else feeling its absolutely wrong?


Adjust your play approach and launch agnles.

its doing it from literally flying straight

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Yeah, my first game using R-Darter, fired at an F-15 13 km off my front, same altitude, the R-Darter immediately went nearly vertical and then had to try pulling a 180 on no energy to hit him, and obviously missed. But overall the missile seems alright.


fly me to the moon is always playing when these missiles are fired


No, you don’t understand, they loft at practically 90 degrees, they fall down on their targets from so far up they end up behind them. I’m not even kidding…
It doesn’t matter if you’re pointing your nose down when you fire, they loft to see Jesus every time.


The Derby is probably my favorite ARH missile just because of how funny the stupid flight pattern i can imagine for those with it as their only ARH missile it’s frustrating though. It’s near impossible to kill people at >15km and at times it feels like it may even be lofting the seeker out of FOV of enemies.

Yes ,darter and derby need urgent rework ,someone should make report on them cause irl they should be better than 120 a , Gaijin complety screwed up there FM to make them balanced with aim120a but managed to make them far inferior doing so ,iv heard mica and r 77 are underperforming too but can t talk about them as i dont play them

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Gripen didn t even use darter

Apparently the South African Gripen did, which wouldn’t suprise me given the R-Darter is just the Derby, which can fit on the rails the gripen uses

Edit: you realize in the image you shared, it literally lists Derby as a potential weapon… right?

Did they nerf the derby? I swear this missile misses even more and loses track instantly.

They might have made some chaff changed.

Just gonna drop this here: as of an update not too long ago, the Derby no longer lofts to see Jesus every time it’s launched. You can now use the Derby/R-Darter for BVR.

Yes. After loft change missile become worse)

Some dude did some tests.

Test: Altitude 10000(±15)m, speed 0,99(±0,1)M, 60 km launch, target - ~1 M (speed is the same in all tests).

For comparison: before the changes the missile hit the target at a speed of 1649 km/h and in 67.7 sec, and now with a speed of 1042 km/h and in 69.4. As you understand - you will not hit in principle, if the enemy makes any maneuver.

Anyone else having issues with the seeker?

It could just be my launches being horrendous but literally every second launch it veers off to the right, I will also hard-lock people and guide it via datalink and then it will go pitbull and immediately miss.

It seems like the seeker is much worse than AIM-120.

I’ve had them miss on people dogfighting from 7KM and at this point i’m debating taking 4 AIM-9M and 2 R-Darter because I’m getting more kills with 9M’s than R-Darters.

(I’m informed all the seekers on top tier ARH’s are the same so maybe just skill issue)

I have issues with its seeker, it is very chaff prone in my usage of it, had it veer off .7km to the left to pitbull onto a friendly after going for a AV-8’s chaff (chaff was .7km right of the friendly).

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The R-Darter is a missile that South Africa designed for the Gripen that we use.

R-Darter is still complete crap. Combined with the Gripen’s ability to not have a functioning radar and the R-Farter’s ability to not do anything is there any point still using it?

I mean, 40Gs is 40Gs man.
The R-Darter/Derby both finally got fixed and are now competent at range as a BVR missile. Don’t know what your complaining about in particular

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Lets see here… Gripen’s TWS locks onto everything EXCEPT aircraft, the PD move is horrendous as it barely locks anything, meaning I have to use the ACM mode to lock things, by which point I have been taken out by an AIM-120 or because ACM mode is < 19 KM I get in the middle of a furball because my team dies and the enemies are all in one fat group. Theres also the fact that the R-Farter just doesn’t want to track the enemy after about 5 seconds, going straight into the dirt, or that it doesn’t want to lock in the first place… or it just “crit”