Decrease br T-80UK

The top tier issue of squadron vehicles strikes again as another skill issue post


I have ~30K battles in WoT, a 62% win rate, and 2500 odd WN8 from memory, if you really want to talk stats in a different game that is irellevant here.

The two games are not the same, only a small portion of WoTs gameplay mechanics and skillset really transfers to war thunder (that being mainly the basic usage of armour and some weakspot knowledge)

The T-80UK is fine, Russia is one of the strongest nations in the game.

emmmm 150k battles in wot here i should maybe not talk about it

Better not 😂

Since we are all measuring e-peens I played in WCG and Ural Steel in Moscow for WoT

I was in the #1 clan on the NA cluster for a few years!

As a T-80UK player, no. Its fine. Its a direct upgrade from the T-80U (Shtora IRCM and LWS), and its strong enough to face most 11.7 enemies.

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Correct, I started to play T-80U after loooong pause( grinded both German and USA ground trees almost completely in between ) and it was fine then and fine now. It dies rather easily and only L55 can cripple your UFP in lucky shot. It can bounce, it is incredibly fast and has good shell, fast autoloader and has bias behind it. Definitely not a material to decrease its BR.

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100% agree such russian top tier tanks are underperforming currently.
You simply cannot do anything. They are the 2nd worst performing nation in top tier aside US.

But hey RUSSIAN BIAS and SKILL ISSUE said the hypocrites.

Whats your winrate and K/D on T-80UK?

I stopped playing top tier Russia because how unplayable they are, switched back to my Leo 2 A5/A6
I just can’t, i lose every match unless i have Sweden and Germany on my side.


I’m currently trying to grind USA and Britain just to see how they actually compare to them, with actual personal experience, there’s too much bias in the reviews.

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I mean the vehicle itself is more than capable of handling itself against the new additions. DM53 still cant lolpen the UFP without aiming, and Leo2 with good UFP armor isnt nothing new, swedes had that for 3.5 years by now.

Thunderskill has been know to be heavily skewed, it only takes into account the players that are registered in it.

This is an actual graph of how currently the vehicles perform, and surprise surprise.
The addition of spall liners made Germany and Sweden OP, you can see the spike near the end.

Left: WinRate, Right: MonthDate

Here’s the webpage link if you are interested.

Except that isnt global winrate, those are mine stats from very recently as i am currently away from my computer, lmao.

That site is also using TS data.

Buddy, it gets decent ammo, you just gotta know how to use it. Also, no, it gets IRCM, and decent armor, no Spall Liner for some reason, but no, at most, a .3 creep, if ever.

I feel like the T-80U (not UK, I don’t have it) is slightly high in BR. I can’t really get it to work, but the main issue is compression, the span of tanks all crammed into 11.7 means it’s constantly uptiered facing tanks waaay more capable than itself.

Only difference is dazzlers i believe so basically the same

It’s still more than capable of being played in top tier. Most people prefer a T-80U as a BVM backup over any T-72 or T-90 for a reason.

T80s have faster reload i believe so thats probably when and better reverse