And the su 25t and su 39 have irccm and r73
Your point is what exactly here?
The tornado is faster but thats it the su 25 series is way more heavily armed. The tornado turn like a brick so even getting the guns on a su 39 is very hard with a tornado.
Dont act like the tornado is a fighter
Decompression is always needed.
But changes are questionable (Air RB only)
Mirage 5BA scheduled 10.3->10.7 suggested remain at 10.3
The main drawback is the missile. 9J is way less effective than magic 1 also lack of SARH, as a result it shouldn’t be the same br as Mirage 3E. IMO it’s now a fair sidegrade to the Super Etendard if you prefer overall flight performance than missile.
F8U-2 should be 10.3. If you move all fighters (or capable ones) up this should be included as well.
F104G (CN) scheduled 10.3->10.7 suggested remain at 10.3
F104J is basically a better plane with 2 more missiles at 10.3 and it’s fine.
Why would you move this flareless F104 up anyway?
F-4C scheduled 10.0->10.7 suggested 10.3 or give CM and better missiles
It’s joke at 10.7 as many have already pointed out.
F104G (ones with flares) scheduled 10.7->11.3 suggested remain at 10.7 or 11.0
It’s a pencil, nothing more, and it shouldn’t be the same br as F104S (which is
better in flight performance and can carry more missiles)
F5A (CN) scheduled 10.7->11.3 suggested 11.0
The only difference between US one and this is the missile. Sure 9J is better than 9E, but seriously not that much. Same range, same uncaged seeker, just pulls better at peak. That alone can’t compensate its flight performance IMO. Literally, a stock F5E is better than a spaded F5A in every aspect. Yet you are telling an F5A should be the same br as F5E ICU? 4 aams including 2 Python3? That doesn’t sound right.
J-7D scheduled 11.0->11.3 suggested remain at 11.0
It’s a MiG21MF with a slightly better engine and better missiles, nothing else.
Now it’s a perfect time to fill the br gap between MiG21MF/SMT and J7E.
J7E is just a better you, better wings superior energy retention and better RWR. J-7D shouldn’t be the same br as J7E and MiG21Bis.
F-4EJ/F4EJ ATDW scheduled 11.0->11.3 suggested remain at 11.0
It’s just sad. Worse flight performance than F4E in every aspect, RWR sucks and no 7E2. Man F4E beats this thing in every way I don’t why they are at the same br again…Literally, F4F is better than this if you don’t use 7E and F4F actually has a way better RWR…
MiG23M/MF scheduled 11.0->11.3 suggested remain at 11.0
That thing is already miserable at 11.0 before the FM nerf. Have fun with 12 CM in total against…you know literally everything? Like IRCCM and SARH?
It’s more like the Soviet F-4C situation to me, only slightly better…
Su22M3 scheduled 10.7->11.3 suggested 11.0
Again, 12 CM in total…it shouldn’t be the same br as Su17M4 with 260+ CM…
MiG23ML/MLA/MLD scheduled 11.3->11.7 suggested 12.0
I know they get FM and radar nerfed, but it’s still very competitive. Sure you are in a disadvantage against PD Phantoms with AIM7F but it doesn’t mean you should face a flareless F4C and literally everything else at 10.7 after this change…
Tornado ADV, same story. You can’t have a plane with 640+ CM, 49L and 4SUPER TEMP Skylfash at 11.7 and face literally everything at 10.7~11.0 br range postchange. If you have issue facing higher br jets, raise the br ceiling higher, not compress it more!
JH-7A scheduled 11.7->12.3 suggested remain at 11.7 or 12.0 top
That thing shouldn’t be the same br as mirage 2000s, period.
F16AJ scheduled 12.0->12.7 suggested 13.0
Why is an F16 with the best flight model and SARH capability at the same br as F4EJK and somehow even lower than ADF and MLU?
That doesn’t sound right?
F20A scheduled 12.0->12.7 suggested 12.3
It should be a perfect counterpart to MiG21Bison at the same br, definitely not higher than it, yet at the same br as F16A somehow (literally better in every way)
Netz scheduled 12.3->13.0 suggested 12.7
It’s an F16A with IR missile only and not IRCCM ones smh…
Python3 is good but doesn’t make you good enough to fight against…literally
everything 13.0+ postchange
J8F, Tornado F3 late and F4F KWS LV
Unless you give J8F IRCCM missiles, say like PL8B, it definitely should NOT be 13.0. 2*PL12 won’t make you that good IMO. ADV Late and ICE should be 13.0 as 4 FOX3 with bad airframe shouldn’t go any higher than that. Note that ADV late and ICE get access to IRCCM missiles together with 4 FOX3 which J8F lacks in terms of capability.
J11A and Baz Meshupar…
J11A has shitty RWR and radar, Baz Meshupar has a broken radar
How on earth are these two equal to F15C, F16C and etc?
Buff their avionics please
Even with the same omnidirectional missiles, active tracking is overwhelmingly superior to half-active tracking missiles, so I think we need to separate half-active tracking missiles from active tracking missiles
The Phantom FG and FGR are going above the Tornados BR as well and they only carry regular Skyflashes. There is no reason for the Fighter Tornados to be below the BR of the F-4J and its variants
AIM-9J is one of the best rear-aspect missiles.
Mirage 5BA is definitely 10.7 material in the new system.
F-4E is under-BR’d at 11.0 in the new system as it’ll already be at a lower BR than currently when it’s moved to 11.3, as the 12.0 stuff is moving to 12.7 and higher.
I agree with you on F-4C, and F-5A CN at the least though.
Pretty sure I was talking about F4EJ, not F4E
F4E has
Leading edge slats=better aoa below 950kph ias and better energy retention above that.
Better top speed despite having slats smh.
7E2 sparrow
A digital RWR improves situation awareness a lot.
where EJ has? I’m fine with F4E, EJ is not the same tho.
There are some small (well, medium sized) problems there but it really doesn’t matter because they are problems that are easier to fix. This is overall a massive step in the right direction that should’ve been taken years ago. I do believe the issues with this will be ironed out sooner than later and that even as is, this will hugely improve the quality of games near top tier.