Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons

consider it’s anti air weapon,su25sm3 should go br 11.7 in air RB,same as su25t&su39
all bomb carrier tornado in air RB should go 11.3 in a same br due to the same reason.

And why jh7a go to 12.3 in air RB? It only carry 4 fox2 and no fox1 or fox3, move to 12.0 will be reasonable.

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Wdym overperforming? Their flight model is incorrect from historical one?

I don’t play MF/SMT after major updates but, even if they gets flight model nerf like MiG-21bis/bison, I don’t see any problems for SMT/MF have same BR with F-4F because playstyle in ARB is almost same except you can’t hold S key when you are on F-4F.

Both things can be equal in ARB that you can either have better missiles and M61 instead of not being able to hold S key, or you have missiles that is easy to flare and Gsh-23 that is hard to aim but, can turn.

If F-4C stuck at current loadouts, it should be 10.3 but, since they could carry AIM-9Js and AIM-7E-2 historically, F-4C should have better loadouts and stay at 10.7BR to makes good counterpart of F-4F Early.

IMO 10.7 with better loadouts are better than 10.3 with current loadouts since they finally decompressed 10.x BR and possible to get better loadouts without ruining matchmakers.

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Pls Review The BR´s of te F-104 G´s

  • Chinas 104Ggetting a lower BR the others ? why?
  • Italian 104G (despite having only 2 missiles instead of 4) gets same BR as 104S / 104 TAF

PLs Rewiev BR of stong 9.7 planes too (f.e. Mig-19). They will kick ass when every superior enemy gets 1 or 2 br-raisings.

Pls review ARCADE BR of early Harriers. AIM-9G at 9.7 at this plattform is not balanced

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F-4F turns faster, accelerates faster, while retaining energy better than the Mig-21MF, all while firing a better rear-aspect missile.

Shoigu, Gerasimov, where are the R-73s for the Yak-141?

Why is the f4j(uk) staying at the same br as the f4s? it is nowhere near as good or competitive so i dont see why its 12.0 along with all the other and better phantoms at the same br

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ARB is not sim which doesn’t need to pull so hard every turns…

I don’t know about T/W because don’t see huge difference in both planes when I play since I usually go 20mins fuel on MiG-21s but go 30mins or max fuel on F-4s in ARB.

Also, energy retention doesn’t mean having bad airframe in some cases.
Espesically 1v1 duels, you can stay F-4s six forever when you go rolling scissorss or reverse him.

Whatever, since F-5C is 11.0 now, MiG-21MF/SMT should have same BR.


China f104g have no counter measure.


how the J-35XS is the same BR with mig-21bis. 11.3 bruh.



Screenshot 2024-07-12 094627

Sorry, F-4EJ KAI never access

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Please reconsider the F4C BR placement. At 10.0, it can barely win against the 9.7 pure fighter aircraft let alone being at the SAME BR as the Mig21SMT/MF. The radar and SARH missiles are NOT reliable at all to get kills. And having no flare at 10.7, you might as well delete the aircraft from the game. It should stay at 10.0. The Mig21SMT/MF absolutely outclass it in every single way and the BR system should reflect that. BR Decompressing is great, but there are too many questionable changes. Right now, we have BR parity in aircrafts between all nations even if the aircrafts are not too comparable. With this BR change, some nations would DOMINATE in certain downtier and that should not be the case. Mig21SMT/MF downtier would render anyone on the opposing team as food since there are no light supersonic capable fighter to counter their speed (good luck to any F8Es and Mirages who would like to catch them, essentially, the Mig21s can just reset/run whenever they feel like it). They were the top dog in the 10.3 BR alongside the F5C, they should be at the same BR. The same as the Mig23ML/A/D. These guys have one of the most insane <8km SARH missile and in a downtier with these BR changes, they are basically invincible. They should be the same BR as the F4J/S/FGR.


shocker, you mean to tell me the sub sonic ground attack aircraft aren’t good in air battles where you fight other jets, i wouldn’t of guessed, it’s really either give them worse missiles and move them down or keep the defense good missiles and just have them stay for ground battles

As far as I know, no F4C block was capable of mounting 9js, only 9bs and 9ds (though the 9ds were never in USAF inventory). They can mount 7Es for sure, and am pretty sure E-2s use the same mounting. I would love to see the F4C get the 7Es, and maybe the 4Ds just as a funny little thing for the meme

They could.

From august of 14th 1972 manual


Good change. But would be better if all aircraft were affected, not just 10.0+ and strech that BR cap to 14.0-15.0. F-104 vs MiG15 or MiG-15 vs Me.262 is equally unfair as FOX3 vs non FOX3.

There are plenty of strange changes in this BR list like for example: F-4ej kai and F-14b sharing BR, but i guess they could be worked out with time.

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Eh… I disagree giving it countermeasures and 9J would actually give it a decent fighting chance and hardly justify it moving up. it really just allows it to be able to actually compete with arguably better aircraft that are sitting at the same BR (F-8E and SMT/MF)

Countermeasures are mandatory past 10.0 for a plane to have a remote chance of being decent.


Dammit, I wasn’t able to find that manual. I kept seeing references to the program but couldn’t find any technical documents for it, I sit corrected.

F-5C, Mig-21smt 10.7
F-14B should be 13.0


still waiting on that ground decompression