Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons

where do I even begin with these changes.

Let’s go by BR.
New 11.7s

  • Mig-23MLD
  • Tornado F3
  • Tornado ADV

these three planes not only clown every other plane sitting at this new BR, but they dog walk half the planes you decided to put at 12.0. Speaking of-

  • Phantom FG1, FGR2, F4JUNK. For years people keep telling you these suck, they’re the worst phantoms at 11.3 currently and putting them to 12.0 is only making them comically worse. So why in gods name do they keep going up?

Mirage F1CT - Why is THIS going to 12.3 it’s worse in every regard compared to the F1Cs that are staying at 12.0 and dont even try comparing it to the 2000C-S4/S5
Speaking of the Mirage 2000s, why are they and the F-14A staying at a BR with planes that cannot compete with them? Both of these planes are on the level of the EJ Kai, and the EJ Kai is going to 12.7 (which is a hilarious decision)


  • F16AJ why is this staying at 12.7 when all other ADFs are going to 13.0?
  • F-4EJ Kai, I don’t need to say anything here that hasn’t been said by the whole comment section.


  • F-16s (all of them) so are these gonna get AIM-9Ms to compensate them being the same BR as planes with R73s/9Ms/Magic 2s? Because I see no reason why these are 13.0 especially when the F-16AJ (which is identical to most of them) is 12.7
  • F-15s why are these not at 13.3? people have been telling you they overperformed at their BR currently, this isn’t changing anything, just sparing the 11.3s a bit of pain.
  • Jas 39A I’ll admit… this one was funny, because it’s just better than the Su-27s. It’s the current best 12.7 in the game, yet the Su-27s for reasons I can’t understand are going to 13.3

theres more changes but like. This isn’t decompression, a lot of these changes were targeted and for the life of me I do not know why because a lot of them are hard misses. Give this a second pass. DO NOT RELEASE THIS AS IS.


so the FCU should face FOX 3s when it barely has enough chaff
Netz shouldnt be higher than the F16 AJ since it lacks FOX 1
jets with no fox 1 shouldnt be facing jets with FOX 3
jets with FOX 3 should be 14.0 except jets that have very poor flight performance like the Tornado and the F4F ICE for exemple
F14s should be 12.7 since they have early FOX 3 and everyone should know how to notch them since they’ve been the for 2 year

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Overall it’s a needed change, but it need some tweaking as some br doesnt make sense unless some of those are getting some new mods, like the su 22m3 going up to the same br as the m4 while having 12 flares, i could understand the german one but not the Hungarian or Syrian, all the mirage f1 should be the same br and also lower than the mirage 2000s4/5 or like the british phantoms shouldn’t be higher than the tornado f3.


A-10s can’t force headons, and 9Ls on a mach 0.9 chassis is better than gun on a 600kph chassis.
Harrier GR1 is transonic.

Gaijin: “shush”




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wait a minute…Kai gets 7Ms and AAM-3s?

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It’s supposed to have the AAM-3 (well they could add a late one for that). And apparently they could get the XAAM-4 (an ARH missile).

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The f15c obviously… better radar, better missiles, more radar missiles, better rwr, better flight model, better range, guided air to ground armament and probably some other things I’m forgetting.

Please do the same for ground now.

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Naval mode also needs BRs decompression, and much more than aviation. Late cruisers have to fight with top BBs, because late cruisers are on 6.0, and maximal BR in Naval is 7.0. But cruisers struggle fighting even early BBs. Late destroyers on 4.7-5.0, at another point, have to fight with 5.7-6.0 cruisers and also have very few chances against them. But against early DDs and Coastal ships they’re OP.

Gaijin should at least move BBs higher, with at least 8.0 top BR. When DDs have some chances against late cruisers because of Cruiser’s Damage Model with Crew compartments above armor belt, cruisers have no chances against BBs, especially late. Aviation can became problem (such as Il-28 or Canberra), but Gaijin can make separate BRs for aviation in Naval


Very positive change and much needed. Very happy to see the attacker all-aspect slinger problem recognised and addressed somewhat. Don’t agree 100% with all the new BRs, eg all the A10s and Su-25s need to be at least 11.0 in ARB, as their AAMs and countermeasures are adequate for this (better than the 11.0 Jaguar IS for example) and this would create space for the flareless fighters at 8.7-10.0. Overall very positive, thank you Gaijin!

Если пару вопросов про поднятие б-р су17м2 и МиГ 21смт нахрена им подняли б-р, всеракурсных ракет у них нету а лтц есть только у МиГа и то их мало?? У разработчиков деменция? Сами же написали, что поднимают б-р обладателей всеракурсных ракет, или они не знают у какой-то техники есть такие ракеты а у какой-то нету??

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F-104G (italy) should either go up to 11.0 only, or recieve an additional 2 missiles if it’s going to be even the slightest bit competetive. F-5E and especially the F-5A going to 11.0 will be rough too.

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Lol no,…

but A-10’s get AIM-9L’s too, on top of their guns.

Thanks gaijin for not touching in J35D Draken BR

German F-4F had higher BR(11.0) in Air simulator than F-4E(10.7).
There is no reason why F-4F with no BVR capability should get a higher BR.
Even with this scheduled changes, the error will continue by raising the BR collectively(11.0 to 11.3).
Please check and correct this old error.


Some of these BRs definitely need to be changed but my biggest concern right now is the lack of a 12.3 bracket for Sim, especially since a number of 12.3 planes are over-BRed and should be 12.0. Why are so many planes getting screwed over by being denied the chance to ever be on top? Why are you treating the Mirage F1CT like it’s equivalent to the MiG-29?

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Again people forget about the belgium f16AM with Maws, CM pods, and aim 9M’s at 12.3 which i believe is now 12.7 with these changes. Youve got something more like those 13.0’s at an even lower br meaning you’ll encounter them way more.