J35XS to 11.3. Guh
imho that would be better and more fair to play. It’s only changes i can talk about, other changes is good or planes i didn’t play
Yeah mirage 3C will be a problem too if it’s to stay. It maybe does not have CM but it does have missile that will slaughter the field
First, it was to make room for the 9.0-10.0 jets. Your plan is to essentially have the 10.0 or above intact (most of them) so I would not necessarily agree upon this.
Secondly I would insist that both F5s are just way too good at their BR, same goes for F8s. They deserve an increase of 0.7.
su-25 and a10 going up in br can create room for mig-15 and f-86 sabres going up in br back to their previous place, also f-104a and c can go up to at least 0.3 in future.
Of course there should be even more decompression above 7.0 br
Also some word for the F16s. I think you really underestimated what MRAAM can do. I personally would suggest every F16 with sparrow goes to 13.0 along with the French F16, or else if it is Aim9L only, then 12.7. Be sure to note that 12.7 in the new BR is essentially what 12.0 used to be, and F16 was a huge trouble for jets from 11.0 to 11.3 on the live server already. If you want F16 to go down to 12.3 you are just further compressing it.
@Stona_WT Can we add Countermeasures to the nuclear bomb carriers at top tier? its very hard to evade anything if a plane spawns with a Fox 3 missile at the same time as you, flying low doesn’t work anymore.
f-16 with sparrows facing amraam like f-15c is too passive and boring as hell and it’s really hard to get any kills on it. They should not face each other but may face amraam carriers like f-4f ice or a-8b plus
While I like the overall idea, some of these changes are just… I’m sorry, stupid is the only word for it, I mean the F-4-EJ Kai going up to the point it will be fighting top tier with fox 3 and for all practical purposes unlimited CMs, will it only has Aim-9-Ls and Aim-7-Fs? Are you people crazy? even if you gave it AAM-3s this wouldn’t be justified! Also why is the F-16 AJ a lower BR than all the other F-16As?
Alright, so while I appreciate that we are getting some form of decompression, I’ll have to say that a lot of the new BRs completely miss the point of decompression or just flat out make no sense.
Harrier FRS.1: Early getting 10.7, but Late getting 11.3. How are 2x AIM-9L equivalent to 2 BR steps?
F-104Gs: What exactly makes these things 11.3 worthy?
Mirage 2000D-R1: Why is this plane going to the same BR as the 2000C-S4 and S5 when it gets much worse A2A ordnance? Yes, it has more CMs, but that doesn’t make up for the lack of SARH missiles. Not to forget, it had a lower BR than the S4 and S5 before.
Mirage F1CT: I get that it has a better RWR and additional A2G ordnance, but it loses a gun and can’t mount missiles on the centre pylon. It also feels very weird for this thing to be on the same BR as the 2000C-S4/5 and at a higher BR than the F1C and F1C-200.
Tornado F.3/ADV: These just shouldn’t be at a lower BR than the F-4J, F-4S, FG1 and FGR2.
F-16AJ and F-5E FCU: I’m gonna guess these are just mistakes.
F-4EJ Kai: Nothing about this plane justifies a full BR jump, this should be 12.3 at most.
F-4EJ and ADTW: These are clearly inferior to the F-4E and Kurnass, why are they going up to the same BR?
F-4J and its variants: This is more of a personal issue, but there is a very clear gap between the worst of the variants (F-4J(UK)) and the best (F-4S). It doesn’t feel right for all of them to be on the same BR, but I suppose the BRs still are too compressed to give these Phantoms different BRs.
Its already way too easy for the nuke carriers to just fly low and dodge the SPAAs, they shouldnt get CMs
As it is for any other FOX1 carrier near this BR, think about JAS39A or Mirage4000, they are gonna suffer even more. Imho it is the top tier that need further decompression, we sure need 14.0 if not 14.3. The way to solve the bad experience of a higher tier jet is never moving them down, we already had enough of this already. Imagine if you would move F16s down to 11.7 right now, does it make sense to you? Or will it ruin the entire BR just like the F104A would do?
If you don’t say if you are speaking AB, RB or SB, it’s very difficult to understand all those comments about plane BR
And get teamkilled from ally plane. Or sometimes enemy.
i know it needs futther decompression, but i can work with what we have now. gripen a isn’t that bad against top amraam carriers cause it has a lot of cms and good fm, m4k has many missiles and good fm too. so it’s hard but possible to play. But it’s stilll better than any f-16a so should be in different br and f-16 will not suffer more than now. i never ever facing full downtiers in gripen A right now and with my br it will be same br difference between gripen and f-16a as it is right now.
why chinese f16 is moving to 13? poor thing doesnt have any active radar missiles.
and we know gaijin never listen to players so they will do this shit and ruin gameplay more and more
What on earth does it mean for the J35XS to be moved to BR 11.3? Why such a disadvantage… This could only be justified if you plan to implement the SARH Rb27.
Fair, I was talking about realistic, as I dont have enough experience in sim and arcade isn’t know for sensible BRs
I want ki-84 hei the BR to be lowered.
because AB is BR 7.7.
will definitely match the jet.