Decompress Ground and move Pansir to 12.3 (at least)

Thats how most modern SPAA should look with their TWS on search radar (by the game standards).

Yea and Russia gets the best AA + CAS at top tier. They should stop adding another T80 variant every update and start adding some AA to other nation aswell.

Some nation has to be the better in something: US with CAS, Germany in Blue water ships, USSR with a single vehicle determined by the community as best SPAA in-game (I can’t agree because I simply don’t have it either never had problems against, this is why I mostly disagree with the undertiered argument),

With the “best” CAS is for USSR as you mention, you should consider that only in 9.3 USSR CAS starts to be good compared to other nations which features vehicles with assistance in early BRs. Su-25SM3 is more a consolation prize.

And not everyone have it, I barely sees someone in match using it.

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I agree for Pantsir to be 12.3, best SPAA in the game, missile can reach upto 20km, i don’t see why it cannot get moved up.

Also anybody that says otherwise is a Russian main, they do a great job at making their favorite nation look weak just like when the SU25SM3 used to be OP, the same people said its not, what a joke.

Before the addition of AIM-120 you said that the SU25SM3 is not broken, a few days later i look into your profile and you’re a Russian main how am i not surprised.

The level of hipocrisy is outstanding.


This will not be an issue when the construction mechanic is implemented.

SPAA can place their own ammunition box, thus their ammo capacity is effectively doubled.


Being a main of this or that nation doesnt automatically mean someone is delusional about the performance of a certain vehicle. Pantsir is scary as it should be. Not RU fault that no other nation has capable AA. Same point could be made about US CAS and RU CAS. RU CAS compared to the US is quite meh yet none is crying about that. On the other hand RU has something going for it, we immediately have to kill if with fire. Just learn how to deal with it, it is tough I had the same problem myself with all of the nations I play. Some nations suit one better than others, fact.

None of the SPAA in WT can deal with top CAS.

One question since I am quite newish to the game and these modern toys (havent been playing since Leopard 1 was top tier)
Does the range on AGMs of all types decrease the lower you are when firing them?


Pantsir at the same BR as the Type 81 is insane really, SPAA without radar, without guns and lucky to get a lock over 5km.


I play a lot of US.

Pantsir is fine. Gaijin just needs to add better AA to other nations.

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Instead of nerfing the Pantsir, buff everything else. CAS sucks, and everyone needs a very good AA.

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Instead of nerfing anything, buff an existing counter and add new counters. Nerfing should only be a last-resort after all other measures have been taken to solve a problem and it’s obvious they all failed miserably.

CAS doesn’t so much as “suck” as it is “badly implemented.” Part of said bad implementation is how the supposed dedicated counters behave in most cases.

Pantsir is one of the representatives of Russian bias. When it is added to the game, Gaijin weakens most of the missile AA. Pantsir has dominated the position of the strongest AA for a long time. Whether you have played it or not, just confront it in real combat, and you will understand that even if you launch a low altitude raid, you have a certain probability of dying with it; Even if you use tactics to destroy it, players only need to spend a few respawn points for revenge. You have spent a lot of time and energy in exchange for only a few respawn points, and have not made any changes to the battle situation; This feeling is like a rock paper scissors game where you can only use scissors, but others can use punches

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On the other hand if you manage to take out the Pantsir and none else has it you can literally end the game all by yourself

It will be nerfed in same time frame as VIKHR …5 years

This situation is actually very rare, and adding mounts requires some time. During this period, the game may be ended by teammates or enemies

Its also very rare that Pantsir defends the game for its team and turn it over into a win. Its fine as it is now, which doesnt mean other nations shouldnt get the system similar to it. Less CAS in GRB=good GRB

that 9.0-10-0 blackhole does indeed need to be decompressed, honestly everything above 7.7 gets way too modern way too fast with a very sharp capability increase.
7.7 can fight mbt with APS, tandem atgm carrier that has no business at the current 8.7, 4.0 sec reload+apfsds+laser rangefinder+thermal equipped SK105… etc we can go on and on.
Ground desperately needs to be decompressed due to varying levels of fu//d br’s.

Regarding the Pantsir…maybe just take the effort to adjust air spawns and the airspace on maps that are available for top tier so jets don’t spawn 16~km away right into the danger zone.


Are you saying that Pantsir rarely changes the course of the war? Assuming Pantsir is deleted, can you guess how long it takes for an F16c to finish the game; Other countries should have strengthened themselves a long time ago, but there has been no response yet