DCS Style matches

This would be the single easiest implementation that would have a huge impact.

Everyone spawning from the same point and then taking off and turning left gets old very fast

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This is basically SB which we already have. Just need some improvements for it.

An RB equivalent then would be really easy

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I mean I play sim the same I do air RB, just with a different control style.
The worst sin of default controls is not having spacebar as mouse look activation.

I’d love to see another air RB EC test; the last one was drastically unpopular compared to sim back then.

i think gaijin is underestimating the amount of players who want to play Enduring Confrontation but with a simpler control scheme… Sim is nice but has one major flaw for the majority of the playerbase and that is the controls it uses…

If there would only be a possibility to combine the amazing mouse and keyboard controls of RB with the amazing Gameplay opportunities of sim…

ohh wait there is a possibility… AND ITS CALLED AIR ENDURING CONFRONTATION

so please gaijin add this gamemode… the playerbase is tired asking for it every goddamn week!


Mouse-Joy is actually a very good way to emulate a joystick. There’s also the Relative mouse system that can be setup just using the m/k controls, used by youtuber Hunter. Give it a watch and you’ll see what’s possible with a m/k setup.

The only “flaw” I see, is that players don’t want to put in the time to get better at the control mode. They’ve become too reliant on Instructor based controls.

I suspect Gaijin doesn’t want to add another EC mode, because players need incentive to join SimEC for a different gameplay experience than RB offers.

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i see that mouse-joystick isnt that bad… i play Sim a lot lately but with my hotas setup i bought for DCS…

but many players here are like you said too reliant on the standard RB controls…

for WT a mix of Air RB and Air SB would be nice in general

and i see what you mean and im with you on that but the problem is that many players are not interested in flying sim purely because of the controls (i had a lot of discussions like that in custom battles xD)

so i think that AIR RB EC is needed just to keep a great portion of the playerbase happy in the long term… i mean even a lot of content creators think that Air RB is getting stale… and the moment a major gamemode is getting stale a lot of players stop playing…

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The funny thing is, some RB players will gladly moonlight in Sim to base bomb. Put them in a fighter and suddenly Sim is “too hard”.

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well yes because you have to fight other fighters that have HOTAS and trackIR setups
and for example when i hade a crappy HOTAS setup with no trackIR playing props was impossible and playing top tier jets was very hard but you can get alot of missile kills

Dude. You’re really in the wrong spot to be attempting to “dunk” on Air RB players.

They literally have to deal with the most broken mode in the entire game (aside from heli PVE)…

Sim has EC. Be greatful if you enjoy that mode. Air RB players just want the same privileges you have.

Nobody is saying that EC should be taken away from Sim players, so what are you talking shit for?

Look up on your screen. You’re trolling around in the “Realistic Battle” section of the forum.

If you wanna get sympathy for Sim, go to the Sim section of the forum and complain, rather than just telling Air RB players to play Sim…

Alot of them have and they just don’t like it. You can’t force them to like it.

You won’t see me combing the Sim forum trying to dunk on all 5 of them…


For me I’ld like to get a sim out of this:

  • Battlefield mode like in Falcon 4, where player can choose an ATO and fly a sortie with your pack or just a wingman.
  • Missions Type Variation from (CAP, Interdiction, Scramble, Strike, Deep Strike, CAS, Wild Weasel, SEAD, Anti Shipping, …)
  • Falcon 4 campaign mode where the computer controls up to 65k ai units (Ground, Air, Civilan, Sea, Weather, …)
  • AWACS and Comms like in Falcon 4 for more authenticity
  • Graphics Engine from Aerofly FS4 where you can hit 240 fps without issues at full maxed out setting
  • Support of Hand controllers like in DCS
  • Realistic cockpits and operations like in DCS
  • Online servers matching players like in Warthunder
  • Combined Arms, like in Warthunder
  • BR Matching from Warthunder
  • Level-D Sim Flight Model matching
  • Level-D Sim Motion Platform support
  • Support for Full Flight Simulator Level-D Platforms

And of course, all of this, for 79.99 USD ;-)

My christmas wishes have been placed


After playing top tier SimEC last night, I can confirm that the state of SimEC is also just a clusterf*ck. I am new to these advanced missiles and tactics, but man… It was pretty brutal. Even more brutal than before the patch.

It’s time to evolve this game from being the vehicle collection sim that it’s been reduced to. Gaijin needs to show some effort in improving gameplay, instead of just pumping out juicy missile buses and premiums every patch.


The maps are way too small for F-15s, Su-27s, MiG-29s, and F-16s.


They make even the EC maps feel small.


So true. Compared to Falcon4 where you have whole Korea peninsula, all these are minimaps


They are fine, if you play on maps that are actually large enough for Top Tier. Rocky Canyon, Spain, Afghanistan, and Sinai. If you join a Tunisia or Stalingrad that’s your own fault. Denmark is fine if the bases only spawn on the north peninsula, otherwise the southwest side becomes a cluster.

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I rather wish for air sim battles a size of the maps covering 1500kmx1500km. This gives the option to start real air refuelling operations without directly being shot down and adds options to go on a CAP without having actually to see anyone in one hour.

Imagine if in Norway map you would be circling behind the tanker while refueling - you would be cannon fodder at top tier.

Sinai map in DCS is 700x700km. Looks at Sinai here, thats way to small for an F-16C. It takes you no more than 5min at full burner to go from on end to the other. For AirRB and AirAB this is ok. You want a skrimish. For simulation, I would hope some more separation and less chance of seeing an opponent on mission.

That is never going to happen in WT, it’s not that game

Again, not that game

WT is not a life simulator

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The larger map sizes we have right now aren’t bad.

Again it’s the game design. One airfield for the larger maps? Like wtf Gaijin…

Then 16 vs 16 for the smaller maps? Thats stupid for Air RB. For Air AB it’s fine but for Air RB!?

Id prefer to see an Air RB with some form of respawning but even if they left it with no respawns at a minimum i would ask that they,

-reduce team size for the small maps
-add multiple airfields/carriers for the large maps.
-add naval AI objectives for maps with water
-fix the absolutely cracked ticket bleed on some maps - City is ridiculous.

I still think multiple respawns with a slightly longer match timer - maybe 35 to 40 minutes would be alot more fun but dear God its such a nerfed, broken mode at the moment.

What I hope to see for Air RB at minimum is not adding a new mode, but outright retirement and replacement of the existing mode. The general sentiment I get from posts like this on this forum is that nobody truly likes Air RB’s current state - we all just tolerate it for the lack of any better alternative.

RB EC is never around in a functional manner - we have the maps and objectives from EC but not the multiple spawns and ability to bring whole lineups to give ourselves flexibility, leading to them being just “fly a bit longer to end up in the same furball we already do.” Creating Custom Battles on EC-type maps causes the AI units in the air and on the ground to scale with the BR of the match. 3.3 has T-34s vs Sherman 75s. 6.3 has T-44s and Sherman 76s. The mode is completely ready for implementation at wider scale.

RB EC Maps are somewhat barren still, but it is a better base to build upon than the current mode, which is frankly so ancient that it, not EC, should be the mode limited to occasional throwback events and retired as the main mode.

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