Data Analysis: what is the actual average player's score per mode? (and how long will it take you to do this event)

I’m just gonna throw my opinion in here too. If it was just as fast to grind the event with a rank 3 vehicle as a rank 7, don’t you think all top tier players would go to that rank to seal club and earn fast and easy score? I usually pick a BR where I can consistently get high performance games without losing out on the BR bonus too much (usually rank 6 or 5). Rank 7 has too many uncontrollable variables for me, such as balance issues and horrible CAS.

Pretty clear where most people are concentrated at.


the bigger issue would be getting even more inexperienced players into a BR bracket they have no need or reason to be at when they havent got that far in a normal grind

Gaijin doesn’t consider this to be an issue, so I doubt it’s an issue now.

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right ok firstly source cz im confident this is battles not players.

secondly if the order is what I think it is, your convincing me Israel only have 107 players between 10.0 and 10.3… right ok (they dont even have a 10.0 lineup)

If i compare this to WT Data Project this it almost identical which is why im 100% convinced this is battles not players

Battles or players doesn’t change anything.

And it’s a sample size so obviously it’s not every player.

But you really think it’s weird that there are so few players at 10.3 Israel when they don’t have any MBTs at that BR and just 1 SPAA?

It changes ALOT… battles are longer at lower BRs so it certainly can add up. especially when Premium players only have 1 vehicle with 2 spawns from backups with a total of 20, once that backup is gone its 1 spawn 1 death so those matches while they are 160k+ (at BR 10.0) could be literally 2-5 minutes for the majority of the metric vs full lobbies at lower BRs that are maybe 10-15 minutes long.

So my point still stands and is mostly backed up by the queue times and also the number of battles at given ranks in the “battle screen” but again giving lower rank players access to a top tier vehicle would make the already existing issue worse because they would fall under the same issue as premium players (no lineup etc.) and ruin BR brackets further

You claimed this was players yet going of the source (K2 Kit Krabiwe) who did the data collection, at no point does he say this is “player count” and if it was I’m curious if he filtered out identical account names because Israel dont have a 10.0 tank so for that bar to even have “7” means up or down tiers, so that means results are mixed and the values are widly incorrect. If its including multiple same accounts (not filtered out) in different BR ranges due to up/down tiers then this data set is just useless.

So you claiming that player count figure is practically unprovable due to this data set not filtering out clear “same users” in different BRs

damn, I’m way below average lol.

I should probably stop alt tabbing while playing. Cruise mode doesn’t really work that well on top tier, because half of the time I get back in to see me dead lols

could be literally 2-5 minutes for the majority of the metric

How many games have you played that last 2 minutes? Literally never.
Games are probably similar in length, but lower in intensity at top.

One way or another there are a ton of players at top tier, and Gaijin sells access to this to anyone so it cannot be a concern to them that new players play at those BRs.

The 80% isn’t average though.

They “score more” because they have a multiplier, that’s just simple math bud.

have you played a premium at top tier… or are you purposely being ignorant that premium players ONLY HAVE 1 VEHICLE for MSOT NATIONS… if they die in said vehicle that match is over for them…

so they will not be playing the full match length… hence “1 death leavers”

you tried to argue a point with wrong facts and clearly inaccurate data set that wasnt proven to be player count but your also ignoring the issue at 10.0 lobbies with premiums and why the battle metrics are substantially HIGHER than lower BRs (its because premium players) 1 vehicle lineups are hopping from match to match when they die after 1 death.

try again, most 1 death leavers dont even last 5 minutes in a 10.0+ match so please dont even argue otherwise

I only read your comment and thought that 80% meant 80% of players. whoopsie

Okay, so there is a big issue at top tier with 1 death leavers created by giving access to top tier to anyone who can buy a vehicle, but we also can’t have an event be accessible because it would give access to top tier to anyone who can buy a vehicle, or grind for it.

If Gaijin cared about this issue, we wouldn’t have that issue in the first place.

And considering Russia is the most played nation at 10.0, giving them an extra vehicle to spawn with would hardly make the problem worse.

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Yes, the problem was that the multipliers supposedly would serve to balance the differences between game mode scores.

But you can also see by the previous table without multipliers that the difference is not much to justify the difference in multipliers:

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The average is 3.1h, so basically double that.

I mean thats a start :D

dont worry about it tho. being somewhere doesnt mean youre stuck there forever.

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Just seems it’s down to sample size, because in the past the sample group in RB was scoring lower unmodified, in the blue, and the modifiers would compensate it more.


bro… you used stats from a youtuber called (K2 KIt Krabiwe) and couldnt see the issue with the data set you used, ok fair enough.

But when you blatantly ignore his other stats such as this:

do you see the issue with USSR at 10.0 not only do that have a 45% winrate they also dont even achieve a 1 KD, and why do you think that might be? maybe because they have 3 premiums at 10.0 that have allowed lower rank players to jump the grind, USA is in the same boat because they also have multiple premiums within the same BR that lower rank players can buy into.

for you to even “claim” it would hardly make the problem worse is precisely WHY GAIJIN keep doing what they are doing.

the last thing USSR and tbh any nation at 10.0-10.3 needs is yet again lower ranks with lack of experience/skill getting an event vehicle super easy and jumping the queue to ruin matches further.

AND because there is a coupon attached to this event, they could get a monetary value super easy and trade that in for premiums that they might want which still causes the same problem.

This is why the events are designed the way they are designed, it limits how many get the event vehicle, it limits how many are sold on the market and also stops a huge influx of lower rank skilled players getting basically a free vehicle or trading it in for GE/Premium which gaijin loses on it ironically.

The issue already exists, if they wanted to stop that problem they could, they aren’t doing it, but instead are just making you treat Warthunder like a job.

Pretending it’s for the greater good is ridiculous when they’ve done the opposite for 10 years, they don’t care about gameplay or balance, they care about money.


and it comes full circle.

You are not forced into these events… lower rank players are given a harder time because not only are matches longer than top tier, if you remove the modifier from the score metric from OPs data then AB mode ironically ends up yielding on average a higher score per match but its only reversed when the modifier kicks in.

And ill come back to what I said about comparing the time for the event vehicle to a Rank 7 vehicle at 280k RP in a TT… its still easier than that. by 2-3x

If they made the event ANY easier for lower rank players and lower skilled players you create compounding issue of not only do you risk reducing lower BR player count/matches played because they all jumped to 10.0 thanks to a free vehicle event but you also run the risk of pushing them out of the game because they dont know how to play 10.0+ and get dumped on by the above average player.

Why do you think SBMM exists in FPS shooters… because if you let your top rank players gank the lower rank players it can create a situation where you drive players out of your game.

Even on that table you’ve shown it’s clear that the modified score in Ground RB was overcompensated, I think I remember seeing that table before, that is how long this unfair situation towards Ground AB players is going on.