Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Gaijin doesn’t care about such formalities you should know about it by now.

I know it but it is not a reason to abandon hope to have a realistic plane

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Often, in a game, 6 missiles are simply not enough
8 missiles, as for me, is the minimum for a comfortable game in ARB
in TRB/TSB, of course, this is more than enough

So the F-16 don’t have enough missiles ? In my opinion it is still a pretty good plane despite having only 6 missiles.

The number can be compensated by the airframe

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Well, personally, sometimes I didn’t have enough 6 missiles on the F-16D, but on the Mirage 2000 or J-10 there are much fewer such situations.
This is just my opinion

Yes, I agree

I’m not asking to invent additional missiles for the Rafale, I’m just expressing my opinion.

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Except that with the planes coming this update 10 missiles payload will be a comon thing and 6 missiles VS 10 is lackluster your airframe won’t do shit there. Also consider for now MICA will probably not get buffs so you have 6 nerfed missiles…

French planes have always had fewer missiles than their opponents, it will not be a novelty and it has never bothered them, the Mirage 3 has only 3 missiles while the average is 4 and it falls against planes with 8 planes, the Mirage F1 and 2000 have only 4 while their opponents have between 6 and 8

they should reduce the number to 6 missiles too on mirage 2K, so the progression is more “logical”. And if they do that, they also need to fix the range on MICA

Heck the diameter is still not correct on that thing, and diameter is taken into account when calculating drag in this game, if memory serves

In its current state it reminds me a bit of early Magic II : it hits a wall the moment it stops burning


Lacking ARH missiles and lacking SARH/IR missiles is totally different

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They don’t need to improve MICA just because they remove 2 missiles as 6 missiles 2K5F would be in accordance with reality this would be a one way nerf just like removing MICA EM from RMV has been.

It’s clearly the same thing, the Mirage 3 has (so to speak) no radar missile while it is at the same Br as the F-4E in simulation which has 4 radar missiles which are really not bad and that does not prevent the Mirage from being as good in any way

Missile performances aren’t in accordance with reality though. Doing the 2 at the same time would basically give a status quo : M2K gets less missiles, but they behave better at range.

I don’t think that’s what they are going to do, but one can hope (cope ?) X)

To be fair, the first 8 missile mockup loadouts appeared on F.3-4+/F.3R for the first time, which are far from what we are most likely getting anyway. The only F.3 series Rafale that probably could use 8 missiles is the Indian EH / DH, as it received the additional SP3 pylons in order to use Towed Decoys, something that the French Rafale were not receiving in favor of upgrading the existing fleet to full F.4 standard.

i meant the -5, in air RB, maybe better, in sims, i honestly dont think it will be really an upgrade, sidegrade at best.
Even though i love Rafale as plane, i bet we all will be disappointed in how it turns out. The meta of WT simply doesnt help electronically advanced jets. Most of EW, stealth or avionics advantages it would have irl, means big fat zero in WT. Just look at stuff like Gripen… it should be if not the best top tier jet in case of avionics and systems integration of machine - human. In WT, it was reduced to BFM meme plane and now to subpar jet alltogether because stuff like workflow, easy of use of sensors and data presented to you is simply limited and same across the board.
Its pesa might end up being worse than many mechanical radars by just being terrribly done with lacking features. Hell, we already lack high data rate TWS on APG-70, pretty significant thing. If its going to be reduced to the normal modes and features we have, its nothing special outside BFM. I swapped from RB to Sim due to modern jets as iam familiar with that “ingame combat” from DCS and to be fair, rafale aint it. Its simply so out of meta with its kit, its insane. Micas needs to be fixed and they have to receive their range. Who cares that they will be on level of amraam? Not only all platforms carrying them have less of them than amraams on 15s but that thing is currently worse in BVR than god damn R77 and SM gets how many of them??? 10 or 12??? If i have low ammount of missile on god damn heavy main line fighter, i want them to be atleast effective so i dont have to get through spam first just to use mid missile.

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Isn’t this mostly about the Gripen-E?

8 of them max (+ 4 R-73’s). Though it should only be able to carry 6, as the twin racks are not available on the SM and are for stuff like the Su-35.
I don’t think the R-77 is significantly (or any) better than the MICA, granted, I have not used the MICA’s yet. Close up, the MICA is better for really close high off-bore shots in the “offensive while defensive” posture, but the R-77 is pretty good at that too, so that performance margin is pretty small.
I don’t know how they compare kinematically in range, but IIRC they are not that much different. If you are talking about mid-far range shots (+15 km), then forget about them for the R-77, as the radar is absolute trash. Even if the R-77 was superior in range, that advantage will be gone to the drain with how slowly the radar updates targets (the missile will often fly towards a ghost target, because the radar conveys a wrong location of the target with DL, more here). Getting those typical long range shots a la “stare at radar screen and lob SPAMRAAMs” does not happen, you need a bot brained target to fly straight at you the entire time.

I don’t know how many missiles the leaked Rafale and Typhoon carry, but both are delta-canards and will get busted FMs, but the EF high a higher T/W so it may be the new dogfighting king.

It won’t be. Between Rafale and EFT it’s truly the pilot that will matter.
Also saying both are detla canards, while being trueas a statement, is insanely false in the behaviour these canards give. EFT has a canard position that allows for a good recovery rate after stall and allow the plane to perform some post stall maneuvers while Rafale canards are placed to optimize airflow and always give Rafale the ability to have the highest AOA pull and STR possible no matter the condition it is in. The only place where Typhonn really beats Rafale is at quite high altitudes at usual DF altitudes both aircrafts will be similar-ish in terms of performances.


allegedly the m2k should also only be able to carry 6 micas aswell due to it having some avionics restrictions

I don’t know, man, my knowledge of the two jets is pretty surface level, but from what I know, both have a similar aerodynamic configuration, while the EFT has a noticeable advantage in T/W. If they both fly like the J-10, but the EFT has an advantage in thrust, I think it would be a pretty big advantage.
Sure, the pilot is often the deciding factor, but if we are comparing flight performance, we should assume both pilots are on a similar level (barring any FM differences that are too small to make a noticeable advantage).

I wonder if there is any data on the EFT and the Rafale, like EM charts, or is Gaijin going to guesstimate them like the Gripen

J10 is dogshit compared to EFT or Rafale only the J10C which has a TVC engine kinda compares with Typhoon/Rafale performancces LMAO