Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Underpowered in case of realism or balance ?

It will be way more than that. It can sometimes take 5-10 seconds for the track file to be updated. If you launched at like 30 km and the enemy then changed course, by the time the R-77 receives its new position by DL, it has wasted time and energy flying in the wrong direction. On top of that, it now has to do an aggressive turn towards where the enemy is.
On top of that, there are cases where the R-77 doesn’t even lock the enemy because it is searching in the wrong spot (assuming the above scenario).


well. when enemy will turn - missile just wont hit. thats true for both R-77 and AIM-120
just because notch works

where? can you provide replays? interesting to see

I think you missing the point. It not that Notch/3-9 works or not, but that it will take more time for the radar to correct enemy position for the missile and thus, requiring for missile to pull harder, draining more energy in the process


Yeah lets power push Russia again with a PESA Radar, thrust vectoring and more hardpoints…

By turn I don’t mean go into a notch, I mean just changing flight path.
Here is what I mean:
late DL update demo

  • Orange 0, 1, 2, and 3 represent points in time.
  • Black dashed line represents the target’s flight path
  • Dark red represents the track file (where the radar things the target is)
  • Blue represents the flight path of the missile with a faulty track file (it thinks the target is following
    the red dashed line)
  • Green represents the flight path of the missile if it had correct information about the target’s position.

As you can see, from 0 to 1, the target flies straight and both missiles (blue and green) fly towards it on the same path.
At 1, the target changes direction. The blue missile does not know that and continues to fly straight. The green missile knows that the target changed direction, so it did a gentle turn to intercept it. Note that even if the blue missile gets within active range (before reaching 2), it will not be able lock the target, because it is looking for it in the wrong place.
At 2, the blue missile finally receives and update. It now has to do an aggressive turn to try to intercept the target. The green missile flying correctly and close to impact.
At 3, the green missile hits, but the blue missile doesn’t. The blue missile has way less energy that the green missile. But even if it still has enough energy, the blue missile is now close to a notch.

No, I don’t. I very rarely now launch missile in TWS. I just mostly fire at targets within 10-15 km using ACM.
If you want me to describe the scenario, here it is (similar to the above picture).The missile flies towards where it thinks the target is, but the target has changed its flight path. So when the missile is within active range it tries to look for the target, but since it has wrong information on its location, it can’t find it.


You are literally blind in the SU-27 because of the radar, it’s sad and pathetic.

Can’t even tell an enemy is 10KM ahead of you because of the radar


Happens too many times, just play the game it’ll happen fast


I could accept the fact that radar is trash if Fm was strong or vice versa.

Sadly both of them are miserable compare to other top tiers, at least better radar would’ve been useful.


No, just fix the FM.

Because, sooner or later models with better radars will come, so I can live with a bad radar until then.

But if they don’t fix the FM, every new SU will have similar garbage FM, since they will be SU-27 derivatives


I believe there’s a chance of these planes being modified on the next devserver, usually the game recieves significant changes during new updates.

What makes me a bit hopeful is exactly what you said about “modern flankers being derivatives of the su-27”, it’s actually like that for almost every 4th gen fighter. I have a glimpse of hope that these planes will be corrected in the near future because the devs will just have to work with them all the time given the amount of variants they have.


Proper Fm should be priority no doubt.

It just both radar and fm are trash.


N001 and N019 build around same base this is why they very similar and also why RWR cannot split Su-27 and MiG-29.

I talked to the developer about this. And the R-27T/ET missile has good protection against interference.The logic block allows you to filter out false goals.But the developer said he doesn’t know how it works and won’t add it to the game.


The implementation of IR-Heads is quite mediocre

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Блок астатизма или что?

To my understanding,

The SM2 puts in the PESA radar from the Su-35

And the SM3 puts in all the other avionics from the 35, such as Thrust vectoring engines (though, it may have just been stronger engines)

And the only difference between the SM3 and Su-35 is that Su-35 is used for brand new airframes while SM3 is used for older frames upgraded to the new standard

No. SM2 doesn’t exist. SM3 just have better thrust and 2 additional hardpoints.



Can I get a source? I really love reading about Flankers.