Had a bit of an odd experience on dev just now, asking you folks, is MICA going for chaff easier or was I just unlucky? Launched 4 of them and only the 4th wasn’t defeated. I might have had a bad launch angle, but was about the same I’d launch usually.
Sensor view replay would be needed to know whats going on. Lots of ppl shoot ARH’s “like they always do” and it turns out to be a poor shot or a good defense on the enemies side, and not some issue with the missile.
iirc the MICA on the dev server is buffed compared to the live server as well.
@DirectSupport hey i just wanted to ask, whats up with the HMCS on the in game rafale, most document states that the scorpion hmcs is a part of the f4.1 designation, but the rafale designation in game is called f3r, is the naming wrong or should it not have hmcs?
Scorpion HMCS was tested on F.3R and as such could be added by “technical possibility”.
Another report;
TBF the IRST on the German Eurofighter could also be added as a “technical possibility”
Don’t say that, people here don’t like it when you point that out
well now it is to late
It’s mainly the fact of straying from the subject that annoys people… A word to the wise
Isnt the point of this forum to throw shit on each other until someone quits?
its been a while from me and all i have to say is man i love the Ralph (From the dev server)
You’re an optimist about the implemented future range of the MICA
Itll get fixed eventually when itll be actually balanced.
Wouldve had a pretty good reason for getting them fixed had y’all not pushed gaijin to give you 2 extra missiles and HMD imo, but oh well, too late for that now.
Love that M2K camo on it
Is the scorpion HMD put on USAF ANG F-16 the same Scorpion HMD on Rafale?
Mirage has extra missiles and HMD it shouldnt have too iirc, so there wasnt really point bringing it up
Either way, thats not really the point, the HMD and extra missiles are here to stay, gaijins made that clear.
The MICA’s performance on the otherhand would be way too good ingame if it was properly modelled ingame atm when the Rafale is already the best jet in-game and the M2K5F is no slouch as well, its pretty obvious the MICA is nerfed as a balancing decision. Had the Rafale/M2K5F not been given HMD and extra missiles, there would have been a legitimate argument for “needing” the MICA to be better than competitor missiles, but thats not the decision the french mains went all out for. Its one of those “you’ve made your bed, now sleep in it” scenarios imo.
To be fair, the existence of the R-77-1 singlehandedly justifies the fixing of MICA-ER. RMV still doesn’t have the IR variant, either.
M2K would be fine with accurate MICA
Doesn’t matter, all I care about is recognizing that when discussing MICA, both the Rafale and Mirage 2000 should be brought up
No it doesn’t, definitely not a first glance at least, seeing as the Su-30SM is a worse airframe in effectively every way but weapon load. I’ve already covered this in the “plz fix MICA range cuz R-77-1 is too scary” (or something along those lines) thread, but the R-77-1 is more likely to provide approximate parity to the MICA-EM due to the restrictions from the airframe than be something significantly more powerful than whats currently being fired at top tier. If the R-77-1 does turn out to be significantly stronger than the current MRAAM’s in-game, then yeah id support a fix to the MICA’s, but not before fixes to other missiles fired by aircrafts that are inferior to the Rafale in-game. Of all jets and missiles, the Rafale and MICA are the last ones deserving of any fixes balance-wise.
IR variant would be absurdly broken in-game. The MICA-EM and R-73 are the only 2 high off-boresight missiles currently in-game, with the R-73 being held back by an iffy-seeker and subpar airframes, while the MICA are held back solely through ahistorical balance related nerfs. To add the MICA-IR, a 5th gen HOB missile when almost nobody else has HOB missiles of their own currently in-game, never mind IIR HOB missiles, would utterly break the game.
No it wouldn’t, the M2K5F is already a very strong aircraft in-game without properly modelled missiles.
I’m not sure why french mains are so adamant they NEED a MICA fix when their jets equipped with them have been very consistently excellent in-game. Its complained about as much as the ppl who complain about the R-77, except the R-77 is fired by notably inferior aircrafts and is effectively worse than the MICA-EM in almost every way except max range in-game (and lets be honest, nobody is firing shots that would require over 50km of missile flight distance in-game barring the AIM-54/F-90 slingers).