Eurofighter Typhoon (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

What the Harriers?

They literally gave them 0 effort and they went from being one of the most epic dog fighters ever to a useless lump bc of gaijin

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Yeah the first gen models im referring to. Though its been a minute since ive touched them.

Yeah the first gen models should have the same ITR of a MIG - 21 and have a higher STR

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Su-34 and F-15E got it on launch and the Su-30SM is now getting this major

Rafale and Typhoon had it on the dev server (for their update) , but it never made it to live.

My bad then

The Rafale got a massive buff at high alt according to these posts:

Im not sure under what conditions you are testing, so I’m not sure if what dark_claw was discussing here would be covered, but from the sounds of it, gaijins decided to nerf the Typhoon and once again buff the Rafale in a way that seems dubious quite frankly, considering it is out-accelerating jets with higher thrust, higher TWR’s, etc… That being said, i have no clue what gaijins using to justify these changes, so all I can do is shrug in confusion.

That might explain why the EFT feels sluggish while the Rafale feels incredible tho.


I think the full version of this should be kept until widespread implementation of AESA radars, since IIRC they are pretty good at SAR and would make it more pleasant to use.

It’s not a nerf at the expense of the eurofighter, the point was just there isn’t enough sources for the eurofighter for gaijin to model it well enough seems like, even if it’s pretty clear to anyone that eurofighter will always outaccelerate a rafale.

Otherwise as far as it was explained the Rafale can do that and from what i remember it could do better as they went for a middle ground, it does not come of nowhere.

Id take the blue vixen over the CAPTOR-M at the moment, the thing is anemic and blind, and the only thing it does “better” than the BV afaik is lock range, which is irrelevant in-game with the weapons and maps we currently have.


With the FA2 HUD finally coming, im planning on putting the FA2 properly through its paces in SB and see if I can get clips of the FA2 managing things that the CAPTOR-M seems to just fail at. A proper side by side comparison

F-15A/C have visual evidence of BOL. F-15E should have nothing stopping it from using BOL. those have been around for a bit, and still havent gotten it

hey Morvran, i remember you saying something about GBU options, and from my LJDAM bug report i found out that typhoon should be able to use 2,000lb LJDAM on the stations that can carry 2,000lb bombs and JDAMs

There is a difference in a plane missing something like bol or a missile

And a plane missing every single performance metric that makes it a combat aircraft

What if the F-15 was missing 2G in sustained turn rate and 1-2 G in instantaneous turn rate

As well as top speed and acceleration

For 5 years

And when gaijin buffs it

They still do it wrong


oh no i agree with you about harrier.

but its a lie to say we get whatever we want quickly.

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Yes, GBU-31s

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Fair enough but it’s not as bad

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you guys can take it a step further and go for LJDAM though.

We’ve got the 1k versions already

why not the 2k?

God knows. Typhoon GBU loadout feels like it was decided by lucky draw