Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

You are delusional in thinking that the Rafale with only 6 MICA and no HMD would make Gaijin consider fixing it. The plane would have to be played somewhat more conservatively, but it would still be perfectly capable within the current state of ARB. We could have the Mirage F-1 MF2000 as a top tier, and it would still perform good enough for Gaijin not to fix the MICA. Not to mention that fixing the MICA entails fixing TVC, and considering it’s heavily impacted by the servers, it can’t be an easy one.
Also seeing that the R-77-1 will have the same issue as the R-77, Gaijin will totes fix the MICA, trust.

As for the 8 MICA loadout, textbook “Better to take the one that you’ll get rather than gamble for two that you may.”. Last time that gamble was taken in the context of WT was the FL12, and it turned out to be peak not worth it.


I mean, if I’m delusional for thinking a more historically accurate french Rafale F3R would provide better incentive to gaijin fixing the MICA due to a subpar missile load and lack of a “critical” subsystem (HMD/HMCS), what does that make everyone else in this thread that think they should be fixed in the M2K and Rafales current state?

Also, pretty sure when ppl say “fix” the MICA, they aren’t really talking about its TVC performance, but its kinematic performance at range primarily, followed by other nice features it has irl but arent yet in-game.

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I REALLY don’t think the Mirage 2000 is strong enough to make it anything insane with accurate MICA.

And on the other hand, why wouldn’t people want MICA fixed? Is it accurate? No. Would it be game ruining? No. Would it strong? Well M2Ks are powercrept by more powerful jets, with its weak M53. Rafale is strong, but the change wouldn’t really be enough to make it overpowered

Its not a change to be adamant for, but not one to be adamant against, either

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Like I said, I’m not against the MICA being fixed eventually, but in the current state of the game, it is the ARH least in need of any fixes balance-wise. The french jets that sport it are very good, and even tho theres been some powercreep over the M2K5F since the intro of the F-15E/I, id say its probably roughly middle of the pack in terms of performance compared to other top tier jets.

“Fixing” the MICA, if we even only consider fixing its kinematic performance at range would just make it the best missile in-game outright with no contest. As it currently stands there is a semblance of balance between top tier ARH’s. The AMRAAM is king of range but is pretty unimpressive close-in, the AAM-4 is the overall top performer (if my 4v4 comp duelist friends are to be believed), and the MICA is king of WVR and dogfights. The R-77-1 is likely being added due to the subpar performance of the R-77 paired with subpar flanker airframes which atm seem to offer parity to other current missiles when taken into account alongside the launch aircrafts flight performance. With a fixed MICA, they’d likely have to un-nerf the AIM-120B/PL-12/AAM-4, or add the 120C-5, and the R-77-1 would be back at square 1. The MICA likely wouldnt gain any comparative performance either, since every other missile around it should also have been improved, so gaijin would just be increasing everyone’s lethality without any gameplay adjustments, and the russians would still be screwed cuz they just have a bad missile design and their economy imploded for like 20 years.

The vast majority, if not every single person I’ve seen support or ask for the MICA to be “fixed” also have never played anything but France at top tier, and seem to exhibit a violently skewed perception of both the MICA and all other competitor ARH’s at top tier, which is my theory on why you people are so adamant its “required” despite the Rafale being either the single best jet, or tied for first place in-game, and the Mirage 2000-5F being itself a strong contender.

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It seems to be starting again. lol

Threads are made to have relevant discussions

That makes those people pointlessly ranting into the void because repeating that the MICA should get fixed does not weight on Gaijin actually doing it, see the Magic 2 IRCCM saga. They’re also delusional, but at least they only lie to themselves that Gaijin will fix the MICA in a near future.
It’s essentially the same thing as me saying that the next update will bring the Jaguar, ain’tnoway it ain’t that one. At worst annoying, but still harmless.

You on the other hand directly lie to others by telling them that it’s their fault the MICA is not getting fixed, and even if we were to be extremely generous in pretending that a Rafale with 6 MICA and no HMD would see it’s stats tank so hard that Gaijin would consider doing something for it, there is still no guarantee that the solution would not turn out to be 8 MICA and a HMD, which is a lot more easy to achieve than fixing the MICA.

You sort of have to fix TVC wobble at the same time, lest you want the missile to overperform further down the line. Nicely bringing us back to the point of delusions, where I’m the delusional one for thinking Gaijin wouldn’t just make the thing overperform to go around TVC bugs.


What you are doing is not a discussion, but just a one-sided complaint.

The only ones I see complaining are those asking for MICA fixes constantly, im just stating it doesnt need to be fixed and justifying why

I dont see how saying there was a better chance at getting the MICA fixed had they not pushed so hard for 2 extra missiles and an HMD is “lying”. Im in no way saying it would have garanteed happened, just saying there were better odds getting it fixed had the Rafale been modelled with those realistic drawbacks if that was really what people wanted.

Those ppl dont want realistic modelling like they often pretend is their justification for the MICA fixes, they just want to have the best aircraft in-game period, and they dont really care how they go about doing it.

Also, yes I do genuinly believe there was much more of a chance the MICA would have gotten stuff like range improvements had the Rafale not gotten the 2 extra missiles and HMD, as it would need some other options beyond just stomping anything within 10-20km depending on altitude.

It depends on the perspective, but at least what I have seen over the past few months is that there is only one person who is forcing a fit of the facts to a false claim, turning almost every thread related to France into a brawl.

Also, I would like to advise you that it would be much better to create a separate thread of your own and make your arguments there, as the majority of the participants in this thread do not seem to look favorably on you.

I mean, its about the Rafale and the MICA, this is literally the thread to talk about it. The fact you dont like my opinion doesnt mean Im not allowed to discuss relevant info in relevant threads.

Also that reeks of asking to have your echo chamber back, which is embarrassing.


idk man. every time, they show the rafale is generally more advanced than the typhoon. typhoon was obsolete by the time the first production prototype flew

and every time you say some stuff about how france shouldnt get their jet/missiles fixed. or hmd is wrong.


Can I start asking for Eurofighters to not get the fixes they deserve because of my personal opinion? Oh wait, I don’t do that because I’m not an ass (ok, maybe a little bit xD).


If you bothered actually reading what I said, I do want them fixed, just want it to wait until it’ll be balanced to do so.

Also not sure how bringing the EFT into this is relevant.

nah, full send it. they can adjust other countries stuff & BR if its that much of an issue, or just give them stuff to counter

idk, ive seen you talk about typhoon here before and argue for it and against the rafale

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So you’re openly admitting to just trying to ragebait lmao

Ive said this over and over, I like both aircrafts, and both have their pros and cons.

how am i being toxic, or ragebaiting? i look at both sides arguments, and rafale is generally better for modern conflict against well equipped opponent.

i dont even personally like either all that much, though i do think rafale looks nicer. so not like i am some diehard rafale fan (which there isnt really anything wrong with being)

You just admitted to only bashing the EFT because you saw me talk about the EFT at some point in the past. Thats just about the textbook definition of ragebaiting.