Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

From what I know for example Typhoon’s Striker I HMD is not compatible with NVGs …

Atleast the Striker II has integrated NVG

AASM-250 Hammer (SBU-64) - INS and GNSS are not working Community Bug Reporting System


Well, that one is still in development and has been forever …


Which is so typical of anything related to Eurofighter …

The point being that not all HMDs are necessarily compatible with NVGs.

This is still a problem too and they need fix it ASAP as still have files of EAC in steam folder it need be all fixed

Btw @DirectSupport since you’re back to making bug reports, you gonna bug report the missing MAWS blindspot on the Rafale? The DDM-NG cannot physically see through the aircraft, which creates a MAWS blindspot below the aircraft due to the mounting on the tail. This is blatantly obvious from pictures of the sensors view, with the airframe seen in the picture.

No blindspot for DDM-NG MAWS in-game:


why ping someone else to report it, report it yourself, and with the amount of talking about it, i doubt it’s serious.

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Currently reporting the MAWS blindspot is very low priority as many other (easier) reports are higher priority. The DDM-NG does have a 360 panoramic view however yes it is blocked by the airframe. However, devs will need to develop unique codes in order to properly model the DDM-NGcoverage as the blindspot at the wingtip is greater than the blindspot towards the back of the aircraft. So it would not be as simple as other maws blindspots where developers simply put +45/-45 that does not properly take into account the airframe.

Further, primary IRST brochure does state it provides warning feature, so that has to be taken into account as well.


Does rafale have any MAWS built into pylons? Seems like the obvious solution for spherical coverage.

No, but there’s very strong evidence that the SPECTRA transmitters/receivers can also function as radar MAWs since they’re AESA transmitters that can focus extremely accurate beams to missiles or aircrafts. The SPECTRA AESA transmitters are spherical coverage themselves (no blind spots), and because it’s AESA, is not likely to be picked up on RWRs.

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Do we know the number of T/R modules and their performance for these arrays?

Nothing on the # of T/R modules. We know some of the specific stated capabilities such as active cancellation, or that SPECTRA can choose any waveform from which to jam with, and that it’s capable of sending specific beams to specific threats. But beyond that, I haven’t done a deep dive into the current documents until Gaijin decides to implement jamming into the game.


First UAE F4 Standard


i guess production really increased then, every articles i look say it was for 2027, when dassault said they would increase the rate starting 2025 they really meant it.

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If you follow reports you see that overperforming features are also mentionned like for the extra magic 2 that gaijin added on the mirage 2k5f, same recently for the tv sensor on the rafale that should have less vertical limits overall etc.

Anyway my main problem, is that you are here mostly to complain and say it not in the best way, at least give sources so there is a starting point.

I mean, I am busy with M2K reports and other Rafale reports but…

Rafale’s DDM-NG should have deadzones // Gaijin.net // Issues


Source for the pic (or atleast the one on the left) is MBDA’s DDM-NG brochure.

The bug report that lead to the Rafales MAWS getting full spherical coverage either unknowingly or deliberately (leaning on the deliberately since the bug reporter was the first person to post the picture of DDM-NG’s view) misinterpreting the brochures statements about “spherical field of view”:

Reading a bit earlier in the brochure, its specified that DDM-NG itself has spherical FoV, it is not stated that the MAWS system has spherical coverage around the Rafale.

And even earlier in the brochure, its actually explicitly stated that DDM-NG does NOT have full coverage around the aircraft:

As for the perception that I’m here “only to complain”, I apologize if that’s what it seems like, but I think that’s more due to the inherent negativity bias in humans alongside the extreme levels of bias exhibited in this forum thread specifically. You can check my comment history in this thread if you’d like and you’d see that I have called for things like the MICA being properly modelled for example, but with the caveat that the Rafale and M2K should not be operating their HMD’s which they did not employ in french service and not have the extra missiles they were given, ppl have fixated very much on the “nerfs” I’ve discussed while pretending I’ve never spoken of or agreed with buffs/fixes because it suits their narrative or drives drama.

Ive supported all bug reports that are realistic regarding the Rafales capabilities, with the exception of stating some things should not come (yet) due to balance concerns, which is something that I’ve also stated about many other nations aircrafts that I play, such as varied missing armaments on other nations jets. I’ve also rescinded my challenges to some of the bug reports on the Rafale I did not believe were accurate when new information was made available, such as with the case of the IFF capabilities.

Its very easy to paint me as the villain in this thread when i’m seemingly the only one that doesnt jump on the support bandwagon for the Rafale every time someone says something about it that seems potentially dubious, but I assure you, I do love the aircraft, I just want it to be modelled accurately and fairly.