Dassault Rafale - Variants, Characteristics, Armament and Performance

Little reminder that I’ve a list of all valid Bug Reports in the OP;

I’ll add DirectSupport newest reports soon.


That settles it then, mono-band seeker. Thanks

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does anyone here have some docs prooving that the rafale can actualy turn off the AOA limit ? i know it can do it thanks to a video of an old rafale pilot but it’s not enought for gaijin …
also i found this site saying that the rafale can pull 100°AOA and -40kts so i guess it does mean that it’s remove the limitator .


Thanks to your video, I should hopefully report it tonight with a document.


like i said a community manager said it wasnt enought . but i can also give you the internet site with all the sources
RAFALE : Les performances - RAFALE : The omnirole fighter).


Fool, do you believe @DirectSupport doesnt have several sources already lying around ? Because he did. With your doc and several sources mentioning a switch to deactivate fly by wire restrictions


nice .

i really hope it will pass cause if they are not satisfy with that then i guess we will have to do the chad moove AKA leak some secret docs .



@DirectSupport The current reported range for DDM NG is 27km against a supersonic missile with a skin temperature of 250 - 300°C. With these new changes, it will be important to see if the skin temperature of various missiles can be measured. It might be possible to increase the detection range even further for DDM NG.


Oooh very interesting

It’s pretty great we have that baseline already of 27km at 250-300 celsius for a supersonic missile, I would imagine for something like AIM-54, a longer range could be achieved.

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Yes. It will provide the Rafale with an exceptional degree of situational awareness. The baseline range of 27km would appear to already be able to detect a threat such as IRIS-T on launch, providing a lot of time to deploy countermeasures and evade the threat.

DDM NG should also fare pretty well with atmospheric transmittance as well. But I doubt the devs will model that lest they completely nerf PIRATE IRST.


Is Rafale’s IRST (OSF) able to automatically detect and track missiles ?
This change could be of interest to us as well.

No reason it can’t since it’s also said to work as it has been hinted that it can work as a missile warning system.

It should be able to, but sadly there is very little data. Oh well, at least OSF will be able to provide weapons grade tracking. I hear the devs are aware kinematic ranging isn’t all some would like to believe it to be.

Where 360 degrees SPECTRA AESA Jamming?


Considering France’s glass ceiling is the USA in War Thunder, I imagine we will have to wait for Growler to be implemented for the Devs to even consider giving that feature to the Rafale …


where is the REAL AESA scan rate also , i mean even the SU 30 have a way faster scanning rate for some reason


well of course, electronic warfare mechanics will most probably come in a ew themed update that will have the growler and prowler as main vehicles… Though considering the very low teamwork consciousness of players they’ll probably prefer the more selfish electronic warfare of the Rafale and Flankers over the Growler, which can protect its teammates but can’t do anything other than sead.