"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

yea i heard one guy he kept getting flipped between US and EU servers and causing lots of lag. would be nice for you guys to get something closer.

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Possibility of a dev stream ?

99% (Tho im no expert in possibilitys.)

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Announcement Will be up shortly according to Smin.

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Finally JF 17 Thunder

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the CV90 has a Dutch flag so CV9035NL uses 35mm bushmaster AC

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2 hours and change

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We’ve had 5 vehicles announced so far for this update

2 low tier tanks
1 top tier battelship
1 mid tier SPAA
1 top tier SQV aircraft

We’ve had more low tier stuff announced so far than top tier stuff.

Based on what we’ve seen so far f18, typhoon, and pla’s J15 all seem to be in development

Yep, December would be a good time to drop them (except the F-18 I reckon that will be Oct Major update, at least the F-18A)

Oh wow. Two vehicles based on vehicles we’re already have in the game, with one being an obscure prototype.

Is it WW2? No.

They’ve added 2 low tier, 2 mid tier and 2 top tier so far.

What do you want them to do? Add nothing but WW2 stuff at BR4ish and deny any additions for those at mid or top tier? Some people prefer those BRs.

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its a block 1
number 134
the 1 indicates block number

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Still no US spaa :((((

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In DCS Xes are friendly ground units with EPLRS radio.

you dont understand, they needed to close the 7.0-7.7 gap in the UDSSR spaa first

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JDAM’s. On the F-15C tho?

Dude US has been missing SPAA for a looongggggg time just look at its TT

So did they say that Pl5E is gonna get IRCCM or no?