"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Only the Israeli f15c, and Israel got 16C aswell

F-15C Baz only. but in future F-15I Ra’am and F-16I Sufa armed GBU-31 & GBU-38

F-16C/D Block 40 Barak II mounted JDAM too

When dev Server? 🙂

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I can’t believe the theft of nerfs they gave to the J10 They put a very bad radar with very few countermeasures and you take away 2 pl12 And the pl5EII doesn’t have IRCM are you kidding me?
And they put only 2 guided pumps?

U.S. aircraft are respected for everything and the J10 has a thousand and one nerfs in top tier without missiles with IRCM.


Bro. It is all subject to change
Btw radars in war thunder are shit and inaccurate in general so there is no point in coping about it

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Yes, friend, like the Yak 141 that never gave you the R73 AND THE R77 AND IT’S ALREADY BEEN MORE THAN 1 YEAR?

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Admittedly I’m more interested in the low tier tanks. The more bizarre or obscure the better. Weird old designs will always be my jam.

I like the wierd cold war designs, like Id quite like the TSR2 or Avro Arrow at some point. But after that, Im most interested in the more modern stuff. Like my biggest hope this update is that the Sea Harriers get some TLC

I would not compare it to that. Rather to the F-15C that could equip just 4 AMRAAM’s on the dev stream. Now it could equip them all. Should be able to equip BOL pods too but i guess that’s for balancing
The YAK-141 came in a weird time

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If the U.S. was never balanced as you say it was.

Lol. Lmao even

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No F2A for japan still rip

with the dev server, its finished downloading, anyone else getting a “Fatal Error” notification when you load it or has my computer finally become obselete?

it only opens after both streams end.

  1. Both have finished
  2. that would come as an “Account Authorisation” Error in the hangar screen

So incredibly sad to see the Puma with only 4 spikes… Given they only work MAYBE 25% of the time, its very disappointing.

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I mean, I would definitely take cold war oddities, that early cold war nonsense. So far at most I enjoy up to about 8 or 8.3. Highest I’ve played is 9.3 but I don’t really enjoy it much aside from the pace being fast it’s just not as interesting to me and doesn’t hold me.

So yeah, oddball nonsense up through the cold war would be a delight. Sure, I don’t really enjoy planes much but I still like seeing the strange stuff for em.

ARB I loose interest after the spitfire, but I mostly play air SIM and it’s an entirely different gamemode for things like the SHar and Tornado

i thought it was quite clear that my comment was ment as a joke
I agree that US needs some SPAA and there are several possible vehicles that could be used