"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Yes. Thats why the game completely omits the class of weapon designed to clown all over that doctrine. Doctrine goes both ways, the devs disregarding ARMs entirely only benefits one side though… Curious…

If you can’t do the job with a maverick, that’s on you bro

i play usa and its probably the best CAS country idk what are you trying to say

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For real THIS. I play Sweden and have no trouble killing any SPAA with the Gripen. Anything with TV missiles or even bombs should have no trouble. The constant moaning about it is so dramatic and tiring.

Even using laser guided bombs if you how to do it you can kill any SPAA if the SPAA its a good player its gonna be more challenging but thats the point

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Because one is a prototype for a tech tree that already has a 16D and 15C, (though the 15 in particular needs fixing since it’s pretty bad), while the other is a mainline fighter for a nation that just has a copy and pasted SU-27 with R-77s, because gaijin.

8000 - 10,000 altitude. 19 - 15km distance to target.

China try to make an original aircraft challenge fr

russia has lots of ARMs so they are also affected

I feel like maybe the far left tree? It would make sense for them to follow the F-16, but that’s also the Taiwanese air tree. At the same time though the Taiwanese ground tree does end with the MBT-2000 and VT4A1.

Because im not playing in RB where tards get much better SA than they should. In Sim only the S1 retards get fantasy SA while I am stick in a cockpit with systems missing which only benefits the SPAA player.

So a FLIR pod, search radar detection and 15KM locking AGMs isn’t enough for you?

I´m still waiting for Liechtenstein TT

Lmao 15km… Sure bud…

But yes it is enough. My problem is i have to play out of my mind just to be able to be on the same level as a glue sniffing moron in an S1. Most players are not me and aren’t capable of that so they just end up a waste of spawns. Combine this with the fact that regardless of whether i choose to engage the S1s i still have to deal with them while culling the horde of Kamov retards that can just sit in their idiot mode S1 shield and only be threatened by AGMs or guns since they are incorrectly immune to ARHs and IRs, or get engaged by S1s while being the only thing that can kill the Su-25SM3s that can sit comfortably outside of our SPAA range and as long as the have half a brain(rare) can negate most missiles fired at them.

And how does an AGM allow you to engage a SAM using IRST?

And yes, 15KM.

It could be at like 12.0. It’s just a defensive weapon.

no interesting stuff in the teaser. as usual.

Frankly, the Pantsir needs to just be removed. Or at least give us HARMs. Wild either of those haven’t been done yet.

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Alternatively: Make maps longer and actually let things show up on ground 20km+.

Now, was that rewind part a tease of an updated replay system? Or was that just done in post?