"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

A-10C will have hmd better maverick, more guided bombs, targeting pods , better air to air missiles (even aim-9x), probably gps guided bombs

Aussie f11c has nothing to do with GB and a whole lot to do with US

Yes. But it’s easy not to die to it.

Absolutely 0 chance of that. Unless you want it at 13.7

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Maybe if you’re bad at the game.

Can yanks sod off with 9X claims? You ain’t getting it, or we’d be getting ASRAAM and IRIS-T alongside MICA IR, and nobody seems okay with us having that.

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In the future maybe

then we have nothing to discuss, we both agree the Pantsir is harder to deal with when compared to every other top tier AA

Still easy.

Loadouts are always BR dependent. Its why the Sea Harrier FRS1, Tornado F3 and Gr1 are missing Aim-9Ms and the Tornado F3 Late and Sea Harrier FA2 is missing ASRAAM.

So assuming 11.3/11.7 2x Aim-9M at most. Harrier Gr7 is 12.3 with 4x Aim-9M

According to you, it’s actually hard

Harder than others, which are also easy.

Try to be less disingenuous. It’s good for you.

Even though Gr1 would still struggle at the BR with 9Ms.

In the future uk mains gonna have asramms us mains aim-9x russia r74 germany iris-t and so on

From testing dozens of missiles, the effective range of Pantsir is ~13km against jet CAS.
~14km against AV-8B/Harrier GR7.

Now, that’s perpendicular +/- 10 degrees.
So the maneuver you do is an S maneuver from 19 - 15km, dropping bombs at ~16.2km.
If you have AGM-65Gs, then you just stick to 22km, turn in, launch at 18km, turn away, you should turn away prior to 16km.


Yes, a Pantsir can and will hit you within 17km below 6000 meters altitude if you’re flying straight in and it sees you instantly.
That’s why you fly above 8000 meters, go as fast as you can, and operate as a real-life air to ground pilot would as best you can.

Until the Americans inevitably cry and everyone who ain’t a yank gets a neutered version of their nation’s missile.

if it’s harder than everyone else then there’s nothing wrong with claiming it is hard, you’re just being silly now

Yeah… if they insist upon being 1 stop higher for the Gr1, ASSTA1 and A200. then I think they should get their IRCCM missiles. Would be less powerful than the Mirage F1C-200 with 2x Magic II

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Did you guys spot any new cool A2G weaponry in the trailer?

There are stupid kids that cry no matter what country they play, the us just has more players