can shoot them down easy, they are a non issue.
rather than argue over this, why dont we get some new game modes sorted?
what consistently shoots me down in top tier? F16s with aim120s. not pantsirs
can shoot them down easy, they are a non issue.
rather than argue over this, why dont we get some new game modes sorted?
what consistently shoots me down in top tier? F16s with aim120s. not pantsirs
I’d like to note that it mainly fucks Sweden, Italy, and Britain. Real interesting that one. These ones didn’t deserve to be borked for systems working half properly.
You’re still stretching to make a point. All SPAAs are relatively easy to kill, including the pantsir.
Yep… Every single British Rank 8 aircraft uses BOL (except the Torando Gr1 that is technically missing BOL) and with the exception of the Gripen. All of them are suffering due to it. Its kinda insane.
(though suprising that the nerf happened considering the F-14B uses BOL)
do I need to do all of the stuff you previously mentioned to kill an Adats?
Gripen is a bit screwed on the bol change, only reason it is less impacted is the sheer number of rails letting you throw out all the CMs with agility to actually do something with it. But still really shouldn’t need to. All the British stuff is tedious to play when you can’t trust the CMs to even throw a 9L off.
F-15 BOL when
dosent need tbf
Chaff nerfs need to be undone for Gripen, that is the only one I really feel. The gripen does “fine” with the flares nerfs because compared to aircraft like the F3 and FA2, is ice cold. But yeah, they need to undo those nerfs as well. even if that just means they remove 2x BOL from it for balance instead
Adats is the option the US had.
It sucks in the AA role. But US CAP is far superior.
I mean, my KD in the ITO is almost twice that of mine in the Pantsir. It’s not some kind of magic mobile.
Already has one of the highest CM counts at top tier. Really doesnt need it (Gripen has higher on paper, but you need about 4-6 CMs to match the performance of 1 CM from an F-15C currently)
So you don’t need to do it, which makes the Pantsir harder to deal with because you have to do a whole ritual to have a chance of not being destroyed
Personally just think it should keep the number of rails with bol, be accurately modeled bol, and be allowed to be slightly silly on that front. Yanks get to keep their ridiculous things.
But British stuff really needs the change immediately reverted.
There’s usually one underwhelming update a year so this is probably it. I imagine the winter update will be the big one. Just looking forward to the A-10C unless there’s more goodies on the way but not holding my breath.
I already agreed pantsir requires more tactics to defeat.
I stated them myself.
Yeah, thats true, was no issue on the harrier Gr7 for 15 months and then suddenly becamse an issue
Ritual that only works against the most braindead of pantsirs mind you.
Yeah, usually 1 or 2 updates like this. Usually October though. Seps usually half decent
so you agree it’s harder to kill the Pantsir
A-10C will have hmd better maverick, more guided bombs, targeting pods , better air to air missiles (even aim-9x), probably gps guided bombs