"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

it can outrange the spaa, but it cant outrange anyof the other cap flying jets, which providing they dont fly in a straight line towards the combat zone, the pantsir isnt too hot.

Not only does russia get the best aa at like almost every br but they keep getting more while other countries dont get sht

You’re aware of the SP cost of cap, ye? Or nah?

im sorry but other countries didnt invest or design things that arent either multiplatform or asraams which if introduced would crumble the game design.

yeah i use it frequently…

Gajin ussuly adds the maximum loadout to the game and 12 missiles will be extremly good even if 4 of them are IR and the eurofigher will still have the best perfomance in game

Lmao cap cant touch that su25sm3 when there is also a pantsir it can just take off, launch missiles, land, repeat
Best you can do is fly really low and shoot some AGM while su25 is rearming

There are many aa vehicles that could be added but are just neglected

We could quite easily implement features that enable these to be added, or alternatively add systems that function better with a radar associated with it but can function well enough alone.

From memory, Sky Sabre would fit the second criteria outlined. Movran can correct me if wrong.

about comprable to the F-15C MSIP II. At least in BVR. In WVR it will be better, but not by that much. It will basically be the inverse of F-16/Mig-29 vs Tornado F3 that we had for 9 months.

Sure. And if you play the game right, you spot it on spawn and put down a target marker, side dive, fly up the edge of the map, pop up at 90-180 degrees from where he’s looking, lock and launch.

You do it right and you’re exposed for <5 seconds and he wont even realize he’s got a missile on him.

It’s how I kill it and die in it. Really not that hard.

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thats just not true at all mate youre making it out as if russia at top tier is uncontested, the SU25 at that BR is a flying whale compared to other jets, or against any Amraam.

while the pantsir is potent its not some unbeatable killing machine like youre making out

Chengdu J-10

So you play against the inept.

Good luck even getting a lock and firing that amraam at a su25 on tree level on its airfield

Pantsir Costs 70 SP

Something armed with AMRAAM costs what? 600 SP? (iirc off the top of my head)

Of course its better at anti air. It costs 10x more


you have to do all of this meanwhile every other AA is a breeze to kill

Yeah, MP also makes AMRAAM basically useless if the SU-25 has half a brain

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they just wouldnt, for example i made a ground TT for the swiss which included 84 vehicles and almost none were copy paste, people just dont research it and forget the huge arms industry switzerland actually had, to the point where they exported to the rest of europe