"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Shooting AGMs is also facilitated by the silly multi track thingo.

Pantsir is just straight up unfair, it also gets guns
They should just get it replaced with tor

there is noting america has that compares to the typhoon performence other then 5th gen and maybe a f16 block 70, superhornet , f15ex.The Typhoon has 10 missiles 8 of them are fox 3 better perfomance then evrey aircraft in game and probably a better radar then any aircraft maybe on par with f15c

It’s an engaging threat to fly against, I’ll give it that.

uh its realistic mate? also teh VT1 slingers are pretty potent as well just not as potent

It’s easy as hell to not get hit by pantsir or any other SAM at top tier by playing with literally a parcel of situational awareness.

Lmao sure tell me flarakrad with its 2 vt1s is equal to pantsir

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So uh, kh38 exists. I use it, VT1s are only a threat if you decide to be silly.

Even a good pantsir player wont know where you’re going to pop back up and launch your ATGM.

Depends on map, also pantsir can hide and play irst only making it hard for you to even find it

didnt say equal did i, i said still pretty potent.

You’re familiar with tweaking the radar’s search parameters right? Similar to air? Yea?

Nah, flarakrad is actually not even worthy of 11.7 even with vt1

Vt1s rn are pretty substantial missiles from what ive experienced, the platform is worse sure, but people make out that the only viable top tier SPAA is the pantsir and its total nonsense

the problem its that the usa cant counter the pantsir not that the pantsir its goon

That is wrong information:

Typhoon can carry 4-6 IR missiles and 4-6 ARH missiles

12 is an absolute max, but usually more like 10 (4x IR and 6x ARH)

They can be armed with aim-120Bs Or Aim-120C5s or Meteor. Likelyhood is that they will come with Aim-120Bs and other nations, like the US, will get Aim-120C5s and so have a notable AAM advantage.

The Captor-M radar is a very very good radar and would be by far the best mechanical radar in-game, but I suspect other nations will begin to get AESA radars that will be comprable in terms of performance by then.

You also have to consider that once an ARH missile goes active, it no longer gets DL data from the launch aircraft, so radar performance is quite notably mitigated by this fact.

not just usa every other contry

i can counter the pantsir in a gripen surely you can in the better cas plane F16C?

The claim is Russia has A) The most viable AA, and B) A platform capable of outranging other nations’ best platforms. Both are correct. I play Russia when I don’t want to think, and both of these things work pretty well with minimal thought.


Try evading one in a Tornado. Its basically spawn in, stick on periodic CM release and dive vertically down, 50/50 chance of getting to the deck without dying. Then you have to pop up and fire or drop bombs and if the pantsir happens to be looking in your direction, you are dead.

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