"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

exaclty what i mean it works more often than not. compared to i dunno flying to 10k alt n trying ot drop a GBU on it

It does have a blindspot high enough, but getting high enough is the actual issue there.

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by outrange, do you mean just Mav launch and dip? or Yeet a GBU 24 from low earth orbit

fly away and around, just cause you spawn going forward doesnt mean you have to

And how does a maverick fly 18km?

Usually it works for me when I have to patience to climb up there, just keep an eye on the missile so you can try to dodge it and prioritize the Pantsir above everyone else in the match

Altitude, provided you can designate the point.

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it can if you launch it right fly abour 22km is the longest ive had it go

Yeah, ARH would need a higher SP cost, but IR or SARH at 200-300 would be perfectly reasonable and no reason why the Soviets couldnt spawn in their own CAP at the same cost.

Mavericks D and G will track at like 15km.

Really not hard for NATO to play against the Pantsir. Especially with the wealth of FLIR pods.

Guess what distance happens to be within the pantsir’s effective range

Which doesnt help because it will see you on radar going there and then can use thermals and irst for silent tracking

then pay attention fora missile?

Hence “But getting high enough is the actual issue there”.

I barely get more than 12/13km out of them on a crystal clear map. Unlike the Kh-38s they dont have IOG. If you try and lock onto a static point beyond their lock on range of about 12km, they self destruct.

PGMs you can just about achieve 18 or so KM if it lets you lock on that far out (which is very 50/50) but they have IOG

You cant see it at that range? This aint arb you dont get a msl cone

You fly perpendicular to it and don’t get hit…?

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cant see it?? not using a pod?

You’re assuming the pantsir is stupid. Most are, admittedly, but it isn’t all that hard to hit someone outside of launching on a fleeing target.

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They track at 12km, Pantsir has a range of 18km. You have to enter within their firing range for 6km before you can realistcally fire back. That is also providing the Pantsir doesnt just shoot the AGMs out of the sky.

The only tactic i’ve seen work is to fly at 50ft and pop up and fire at the last possile second and hope the Pantsir is looking the other way