"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

dude specifically wants a new top tier.

eh… we dont need another abrams

I still have no idea why Gaijin refuses to reduce the costs, a fighter with a full anti air loadout isn’t something insane to warrant the SP costs, if helis can spawn with AAMs for basically no SP


man i want more chieftains and that era of vehicles.

Dead on arrival

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he took it a little far, but he does have a point, the russians have by far the BEST anti air along with very solid CAS, which no other nation currently gets close to.

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id still 100 percent rather my gripen with even dumb bombs over the su25 for cas at that BR man

Dead On Arrival

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Yeah. Its because they refuse to model SP costs on a BR basis. A fighter at 1.0 can kill tanks with guns therefore a top tier must also have high SP costs because it also has guns.

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su25sm3 is potent but not solid, missing alot of good cas traits, only being carried by its missiles

su27sm on the other hand, thats proper, too bad its still missing its pod(which brings me back to my point of gaijin keeping usa the winner of cas, and russia winner of air defence)

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Dead on Arrival. Little chance an A-10C is going to get off all that much ordanance if there is a Pantsir up. The Harrier Gr7 barely can and it has a much better flight model

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Oh i know, and thats why i specifically said very solid , not overpowered like others say. the difference is that russia has solid cas along with the bar none best spaa

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I’ve been in situations where I could spawn a JH-7A with the weaker guided bombs but I couldn’t afford the J-8F with ARHs, utterly insane

Yes I was, some new lav or stryker variants would be cool

Yep… SP Cost overhauls would be awesome,

I get annoyed that spawning in a Sea Harrier FRS1e with 2x Aim-9Ls costs more than spawning in a G-lynx with 8x Hellfires


Tornado Gr1 with 4x GBUs costs the same as unguided bombs. I would quite happily risk low alt carpet bomb runs with Unguided bombs, but there is no SP insentive to do so. Might as well take the GBUs, hope there isnt a pantsir up and drop from alt.

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i mean the current stryker rn is still potent at top tier

While I very much do agree with you on that point, Mavs defenitely have the edge along with pods even with the lack of range compared the likes of the KH missiles (not even mentioning the heli space). I’d argue the difference in america’s CAS advantage isn’t as big as Russia’s SPAA advantage.

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Maybe they will make it after you climb to 10km lmao

and hope that it will impact before the end of the match lol

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