"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

why not, the us gets a pantsir comparable spaa

russia gets an f16 comparable cas, fair and simple

a little problem with that, america purposed air superiority, russia air defence

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Lame?!? That’s great!!!


No, I mean the Pantsir outranges most CAS ordinances with it’s ~20km missiles, it’s certainly not impossible to kill but it’s a pain in the ass so great no other AA in game can compare

if you got an ounce of skill thats all you need to kill a pantsir

its missiles unlike planes adhere to realistic physics, ever thought of putting that to your advantage?

it doesnt need a new top tier tank man got 3 11.7 abrams, 1 11.3 abrams and two more at 11.0 which are more than good at 11.7

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crazy how you need all that to kill a single Pantsir but everything else can be dealt with without any trouble

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but Su-25s not only don’t have to fight Super Strong AA’s like the pantsir’s most of the time.
And when they are forced to fight strong SPAA like the pantsir, its on THEIR TEAM.

i mean what you want a new tank every single update? xD

Edit, while most the small countires like japan, britain, isreal and italy are missing half of there home grown original vehicles for both air and ground.

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or can it? itos missiles are second best to pantsir

America’s equal attention cake

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they dont, sure

but theres quantity

each spaa has a differenr way of defeating, ever tried fighting 4 different spaas?

You know that the UK has a 31 mile ATGM in game right now. Also The US AGM-62ER can also be shot outside or range, it just will take a bit to get there.

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while half teh small trees are either missing half their stuff, or are over BRd to oblivion, like a hawker hunter F6 at 9.7, while the F58 which is better in every way is the same BR. as one example, or the F104 being 9.3 and dominating entire lobbied? xd

you can outrange all 4 of them without any bigger issue, good luck outranging the pantsir though

brooooo pls

you cant defeat 4 spaas in a su25sm3

The difference…

KH-38s out range any and all SPAA that any other nation has by a country mile and due to the high SP costs of CAP. It is not a viable counter.

Besides. CAP is no gurantee when you have to defend against Pantsirs and there isnt really any effective way to hard counter Pantsirs as it has nearly double the range of any non-soviet AGM.

if CAP, like the F-16 or Sea Harrier was equal to the cost of the Pantsir, then I’d agree with you , but its not.

Soviets have the best CAS and SPAA at the moment, and that is where there is a total and complete lack of balance. KH-38s should have never been added whilst everyone else lacks anything even remotely equal to the Pantsir in terms of range/performance


nah cause a dude using an F16 or 15 will just throw an aim120 at you xD


cough cough

(I know the ranges do not happen in game, this just shows potential range along with the missiles total energy)


the US is getting a new tank, are you referring to a more modern tank?

aight i give up its rhe same shit every time

“kh 38 this and that” yap yap