"Dance of Dragons" Update Teaser

Sadly no new usa tank. 😢

same treatment as su25s

hopefully theyll understand now… right? right??

got a busted litte light last update

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Ok, I wasn’t talking about last update was I?

And no new top tier tank for usa as well.

So maybe its time to add better SAMs to every other nation then. Like the Supacat HVM that fires 16-18 km range ASRAAM for Britain?

Or would that be unfair on the Su-25SM3s?

then give su34 to russia to even the playing field lol


Then add Tornado Gr4s with Brimstone 2s to level the playing field then lol

America doesnt need cas, everything needs spaa but russia gets another zsu23

any top br CAS option that isn’t Russian is dead on arrival thanks to the Pantsir no fly zone


britain is a minor country it doesnt count

= pointless filler update.



Until western countries get a cas missile that outranges pantsir like russia does then yeah




If the Pantsir player is even a little skilled they’ll take them out right when they spawn their jets


dont you mean other way around

its really not that hard to defeat pantsirs

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su34 would only come when f15E comes which wont happen till next year with a dedicated strike aircarft update

You don’t think there’s anything else other than ARH missiles that matter?