Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It will be like SA is for Britain air. Not a full line but scattered where appropriate


@dotEXCEL I mean it not even that hard to make a space for a sub beyond 5.0


Yea most likely, unless they make the Hornet a SV like the JF-17 since there no BR limit now lol

the F-8 can grt foldered with the A8 again as it used to

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I’m doubting it, but that being said. It would be funny

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Yea it would lol.

But yea this is how it would look like


Any reason for Su-22 and Tornado not being after the Mig-23BN?

Just thinking of the British tree, it sits at the end of the bomber line and not the strike fighter line

Just make sense from a weight thing plus it an extra grind to the Tornado = more money.


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Which is Gaijin more likely to do?

1 - Comprehensive remodel of F-14B cockpit adding new elements such as MFDs and HUD, renaming vehicle to F-14B(U)

2 - Remove the JDAM

Hmmm I don’t know… @NestleKitkat I think you just petitioned Gaijin to remove the cool new bomb

In a perfect world with unlimited dev resources I’d love to get the F-14B(U) but unfortunately it isn’t like that. We could get the F-14D instead

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F-14B (late) when?

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They will just doesnt care about it as always
Cockpits are quite often ignored, USAF&USN F-4s for example(for F-4E there IS right cockpit in F-4F ICE, lol)

Take the top round and lower them to 11.0. Problem solved.


To do this, you would first have to be able to leave the spawn, which doesn’t work if a bomber flies where you can’t see it and spams bombs.
But if you don’t want fair play, then you have something against a tank-only mode.
This vehicle-only mode is available for all vehicle classes, so what fair reason is there not to introduce it for tanks too?
Unless you’re a failure against other players in aircraft and need this unfair advantage against defenseless targets, which is why the Gaijin team apparently wants to keep this type of advantage, even though there will be enough players who would continue to play mixed battles.

There is no need to take their top round, the base 2 leclerc should be 11.3 or 11.0 regardless. The top 2 leclercs should be buffed by receiving either DM53 or SHARD, considering their mid attributes.


In Naval you can use planes also, so your argument is false…
And combined battles are the main difference between other games

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I reckon the S1 and S2 should lose it and go down to 10.7 or 11.0, the AZUR should go to 11.3, and, of course, the SXXI should have its armour buffed and stay where it is.

I recall hearing somewhere that there was a modified version of the New Nation Bonus on the Dev server (before it closed anyway), does anyone know what the changes were?

me staring at my shelves of LEGO and bootLEGO sets


The amount of money I’ve spent on Cobi is more than some who regularly buy high tier premiums have spent on War Tinder.