Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Oooh part 4

also hopefully the update drops next week.

Hopefully not. We don’t need yet another update that’s released way too early, not allowing enough time for the most pressing issues to be fixed.

eh no, it seems half finished

I’d rather hope for a second dev server

Do you guy’s think we will see the early su-24 as well?

No need an update until I see Romanian OSA coming :I

What we have is an amalgamation of the Su-24M and M2, so you kind of have it, unless you’re referring to the first production variant.

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Probably. Guessing they took this version as more of an equivalent to the high tier Aardvarks they added.

R55's would be neat


Yes and it seems my bug report is passed to Dev


that could either mean they get removed or the cockpit gets the placeholder stamp

Honestly, I would like to see it as modifications because adding F-14B(U) is too niche and it doesn’t have huge difference from regular B model unlike A model in 1970s to 2000s.


I don’t think it’ll be that way

With how Gaijin have managed cockpits in the past I can 100% see them just adding the Cockpit Placeholder mark on it and just renaming it. Then after a few updates we will finally get the proper cockpit for it.

Fr especially some F-14B(U) documents are still classified.

And that’s why HB doesn’t model F-14B(U) and D model in DCS.

Even on standart B might be some classified
At least as i remember, wanted to find TCS documentation, but it was not public

I don’t know about TCS but, When I tried to use a flight manual from about 2001 to post a bug report about AIM-54 loadout limitations at Station 3/6, but that manual still fell under export restrictions.

Try to use earlier version of manual

I’m finding 1970s A model flight manual rn but, all of them are super rare or expensive af.

BTW, If they changed to F-14B to F-14B(U), they should gets AIM-9Ms.

Having the original F-14B be upgraded to a B(U) while lacking AIM-9Ms and other stuff would make weird because F-14B(U) is literally 2001 jets that is same era with F-16C we currently have.

so basically they wont do that and you just removed 2 Unique bombs and a nice addition from the F14B for EVERYONE

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Yeah “everyone” want to see fictional loadouts in the game?

Just wait D model comes in the game.

Problem solved.

It is just F-4EJ Kai moment 2.0.