Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

They should work against large ships just fine, heh

For playing pinball on the CQB maps. throw it down a corridor on a city map and watch it bounce around :D


advance to the Rhine would be russian roulette with this thing


Bowling on the Berlin map lol


Nope, but Singapores Block 52s specifically have HARM capabilities. Though from what I understand those are kept in the US until they are needed, similar to their AMRAAM.

I wouldn’t be against it but i would hope to see an atlas cheetah as a sqv before hand

And with the JF-17 being the first sqv with fox 3 that opens the door to the Cheetah C with its fox 3s being one as well.

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insert Wii sports Strike sound


Would be the perfect thing to sell with an update that introduces ARMs lmao…

Though i have my bets on the F105G being the candidate for that personally.

doesnt Jeff bring a missile that can also be an ARM?
or was that just datamined?

Just datamined.

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It’s most likely thursday statisticly.

No not the spam confused faces lol

You mean Tuesday ?
Usually updates where the live server doesn’t move much go out on Tuesday. When they arrive later, it’s when dev serv is full of bug/lacking content from live update

Ah but they were funny. And also less annoying then people flagging your posts

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I miss them!

Soviet tanks are great.


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