Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Soo… update tomorrow?
AV8B pre order mentioned “a few days more” last Friday.

This. Unused loadout.

I think they’ll come at some point.

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I really hope so personally.

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I thought thursday cause

isn’t that normally the case?

You have to put yourself to Gaijin’s standard. This update is small without much bugs. I expect tomorrow for it to drop

There are yet a few more bug reports that are taking place such as J10 PL8B and PL5EII irccm which are really annoying cause they could literally copy and paste these things whilst refusing to do so. J10 drag is the other thing under huge dispute. I also see there are a lot more premiums that could be ready, just depends on whether more dev blog will come out today.

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Cry me a river. I’m a French main and have seen the Mirage 2000 and it’s load out (especially Magic 2) get buffs after buffs because gaijin was not bothered to make it realistic

Not every vehicle will get a dev blog before the update releases, premiums included.

Iirc the 2S38 was only discovered by datamining the release update.

The 2S38 had a devblog the day before the release, actually.

It’s not even broken lol, the current in game model is a PL8B with a irccm seeker which is seen on TY90 and new PL5EII but GAIJING doesn’t recognise the fact that they do have the irccm despite we have evidence on this, I swear they will add J10 without irccm and slower than Mig21 BIS.

Oh oops wrong vehicle in my head then, my bad.

I know there were some vehicles that just got added as a suprise and were only discovered on launch.

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That’s true. It happened for the French m26 a few months ago iirc

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They do that but I mean for premiums surely it sales better if they have pre purchase open with a package?

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yeah premium are always teased before update. Plus, recently, some leakers have become extremely good at predicting vehicles

Maybe the JH-7? I think in the past we saw the MiG-21S also suddenly getting added. That still has a unique cockpit so I think it’s still possible to get the JH-7. Not very likely, but possible.

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That is assuming that all premiums in an update are pack premiums, which already isn’t the case for this update with at least 1 GE premiums.

And they have done it in the past with some packs not having a pre order and just becoming available on release, I just can’t name an example from the top of my head right now.

Those sell better, but can’t make everything a pack.

They would probably sell even better if there were lite editions, so you could buy them on their own without the GE and premium time.

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Should be new Air-to-Air Missile stock instead 2x PL-5B & 2x PL-5C for J-8F and JH-7A ?

That was shown off in the dev stream.