Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

That was shown off in the dev stream.

I think thats why they have GE vehicles. Maybe one day they’ll try that.

I’m guessing they use the “would you like fries with that” model for the packs so adding some stuff makes them have higher profits per sale.
Having packs without extras might actually improve on that just like how McD’s sells burgers without fries too.


Not likely, although I hope PL5EII will be added to them.

New skins added to the files

As is now kind of a tradition, skins were added to the files after the (first) dev server. Some of these skins may not actually be new, I haven’t checked them on the dev server to know. Just like the previous couple of times, I’m going to use real life counterparts or Gaijin images.

A-10C – "wwii" – 80-0275

A-200A ("Italian IDS-Tornado") – "259" – MM7063 36-51

AV-8B NA – "kd" – 16-3867 KD-20

F-111C – "30_years" – A8-131

F-111F – "miss_liberty_2" – 70-2390

J-10A – "aerobatic" – Ba Yi Aerobatics Team 01

J-10A – "white" – 83142 12

JF-17A – "green" – 09-111

JF-17A – "grey" – 15-202

P-16 Mk. III – "green" – X-HB-VAC

Sea Fury F.B. Mk. 51 – "aerobats" – 6-37

Sea Fury F.B. Mk. 51 – "extra_dark" – 10-2

Sea Hawk Mk. 50 – "667" – 6-67

Su-24M – "algeria" – KX-88

Su-24M – "desert" – Red 19

Al-Khalid 1 – "digital" – pre-order bonus


The Algeria SU-24M skin seems pretty neat.

Continuing the discussion from Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

Or gajin could added F-14B(U) as Tier II modification for F-14B ?


update tomorrow

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what do you need a source for, just trust me




The bug report made on this was acknowledged so hopefully we get this but knowing Gaijin they will just remove the JDAM’s from it.

Kinda wish that there would add more game modes. For air would be nice something like PvE. All it could be is Sim air without the Sim part and PvP part.

And im sure there are good modes for ground also

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The 36th Wing was specialized in TASMO (anti-ship) operations and equipped with Kormoran missiles, as seen in the photo. It would be nice if they were added to the weapon loadouts.

It could also add the livery used during the Gulf War; the configuration of the aircraft used is similar to the initial models, except for an update to the engines and electronics, but since it’s a video game, that’s not really relevant.


Could add F-14B(U) to Tier II modification and change cockpit HUD by Sparrowhawk HUD for F-14B

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source: “trust me bro”

Yeah and then depending on if you have it equipped you can take the JDAM’s.

You gotta have a little faith sometimes.

i really believe you.
thanks for the heads-up


His imagination :P

can we expect the update to be this week?