Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

LOL you put R-77s the WORST FOX 3 IN THE GAME in 3rd? the objective WORST.

The current meta of the game plays around long range for starters which means the AAM4, PL12, and AIM120 by default snatch the top 3 overall.

But the AIM120 and PL12 both have excellent close range performance as well, so while they’re inferior to the MICA, R77, Darter in those ranges, they’re still very good in said ranges, while having them dead to rights in long range. This isn’t up for discussion, it’s just how the meta is.

If we looked purely at within their ranges? yes the MICA would be top 2, but if you look overall and with consideration of the meta? it doesn’t break the top 3 because of the environment.

Sadly this game doesnt contain starters only so your claim doesnt represent the truth.

Compare to R-Darter,MICA and R-77 they are straight up trash in close range, Aim-120 excels in long range engagements while Pl-12 is just an okay missile.

Only deadly against people who doesnt know anything but fly straight, against competetent pilot PL-12 will achieve nothing and gap will be reduce to VVR fight where MICA basically slaps the bitch out of PL-12, also both MICA and PL-12 has similiar long range performance while future fixes will make MICA even stronger than PL-12 on BVR.

This is straight up wrong.

MICA missiles fits perfectly fine into top Tier environment, while they are good at long range they become deadliest missiles in close range and knife fights, last but not least they will become event stronger when they recieve their missing ranges.

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Oh hey it’s the guy from the J-10 thread earlier. Still going on about it?

Except it’s generally (rightfully so) accepted that R-77 is crap, supbar radars only make it worse.

AMRAAM too is dogshit in close range compared to those. PL-12 and AAM-4 at range both perform similarly enough to the AIM-120, so you’re trying to budge this into fitting your biased opinion on the matter.

If we are referring to ‘future fixes’ and ‘reality’ now, PL-12 and AAM-4 should be outperforming AIM-120A by quite a bit. Yet again, awkward cope.

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Basically every fox 3 can do that and can be easily defeated if you are aware of them being fired at you.

MICAs were shown in the graphs as the missiles with the worst range, wym they are “good” at long range?
At a distance from 0 to 20 km.

  1. R-Darter, Derby
  2. PL-12
  3. MICA-EM
  4. AIM-120
  5. AAM-4
  6. R-77

The distance is more than 20 km:

  1. AIM-120
  2. AAM-4
  3. PL-12
  4. R-Darter
  5. R-77
  6. MICA-EM

These are from the guy that made the Fox 3 tests right after the last balance changes to them.

Couldnt stop yourself could you? Well be my guess.

Except latest missiles changes made them actually good, in fact they perform better than Aim-120’s in close range while having acceptable long range performance, radar might be not as good as a NATO counterparts but if you cant utulize it then its your Skill issue.

As i already stated.

“Similiarly enough” except they dont reach the same ranges that Aim-120 can which means your coping doesnt work in here.

And? Its not gonna change the fact MICA will be superior to PL-12 in overall performance due to bein superior at close range and knife fights thanks to TVC.

Seems to me you’re the one who’s coping, a lot.

Yeah uhhh, I guess my meme was taken down or something lol.
Unless its just bugged on my end, but I cant find it and I didnt get any notifications saying my post was flagged

Who’s the guy who did this test and where is the source for that?

Personally i would like to see it to make sure if im wrong or not.
I asked at the time if this test was legit to the other guy that made the fox3 tests (i forgot the name sadly) and he told me they were good tests.


They’re objectively the worst all around. Nowhere near being better than the PL-12 or Derby. And never said I couldn’t utilize them.

Functionally they do. I would take 6 AAM-4’s if I could over the 120’s. The difference in range is not significant enough to give up everything else AAM-4 offers.

You said on BVR. Which was objectively false. As inconsistent as you were on the J-10 thread.

I’m not the one who’s been trying to downplay the J-10 while going on a power rant about America on two different threads. But yeah, if you say so brother.

If the post contains real datas then i was wrong about MICA’s long range performance.

Until i see different results i will accept this as an evidence, thanks for the information.

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No problem, convos can be peaceful and helpful to everybody. More people should understand this.


MICAs lack:

Speed (afaik they both lack engine power AND have too much drag (all of that would help on the range capability))

Range (80km IRL)

and others stuff i don’t remember.

Just for you know, they still need some correction ingame.

Probably every missile is missing something, just bug report it and if its true they will implement it. I’m out of this convo, had enough shenanigans in the forums lately.

All that is reported (and some acknowledged if i don’t mixup), just have to cross fingers now.

I clearly stated that they are better than Aim-120’s in close range while bein okay in long range. Pl-12 or Derby might have 0-20Km performance but they dont pull as hard as R-77 in close range engagements which what makes R-77 really good in close range.

Personal preferences doesnt change the facts, if thats the case then i prefer MICA over Derby or Aim-120’s due to their TVC ability.

They will be superior on BVR due to having basically same ranges while maintaining better G overloads in distances, and as i mentioned before it is already superior to PL-12 in knife fights due to having TVC.

Seems to me you’re overhyping J-10’s capabilities while bein butthurt due to F-15’s performance, whether you accept or not F-15’s are the best platform at top tier, whats funny is you and some certain people claimed that im “USA Main” while in reality im multination player, unlike you.

Since this is typical one nation main behaviour i cant say im surprised.

did I miss it or was there no devblog today?

Exactly, as long as people approach with peaceful intentions convos can be really educational and fun.



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